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Theodore and Jacob spend the rest of the evening in a good mood, perfectly satisfied in each other's company, like it is natural for them to be together.

Theodore secretly scolds himself for ever doubting his feelings for Jacob. He knew deep down, from the moment Jacob confessed to him, that he had feelings for him as well. No one else, whether guy or girl, has the same effect on him. Only Jacob can make him feel flustered and breathless, and only he can make him feel truly loved.

"I can drop you off in front of your building as usual," Theodore says, his eyes fixed on the road.

Jacob sucks his teeth. "I don't want to go home yet."

Theodore kneads his shoulder, trying to concentrate. "I don't have anything else planned."

"I want to stay with you."

He doesn't respond and continues driving past Jacob's building. He parks in his spot and silently heads to the elevator, his stomach in knots. Jacob appears relaxed, but despite Theodore's attempts to downplay the significance of the moment, he can feel his body tensing up.

Theodore fumbles for the keys in his pocket. He inserts it on the doorknob, but with his fingers shaking and the blood in his veins travelling as fast as a bullet train, he delays.

"You're trembling," Jacob whispers from behind, his warm breath on Theodore's nape aggravating his tremors.

Jacob wraps a hand on Theodore's to help him unlock the door, and he melts.

"I thought you truly didn't notice that I've been dropping hints."

Click. Theodore's unit is unveiled. Not even the sight of his cluttered closet can distract him from his nervousness.

God, when was the last time?


"Jake... Uh..." Theodore squeezes his eyes shut.

Jacob extends his arm. He holds his breath, waiting. But Jacob merely flips the switch on. "I had a good time, Theo. Next time, I'll prepare everything. Just be sure not to be hungover."

"What?" Theodore turns around.

"Good night." Jacob walks backwards, waving his hand casually, as if he didn't stir Theodore's nerves on purpose.

And he's leaving like that?

No, no, no.

Suddenly, Theodore seizes Jacob's shirt, causing him to stop in his tracks, his eyes widening.


Theodore swallows.



"Do you want to... Do you want to stay the night? We can, well, watch a movie. Or just talk. Like usual. You obviously don't have to–"

Jacob stares at Theodore's flustered face then smirks, enclosing him into a hug.

"Alright, we'll do whatever you want to do."

"Just whatever I want to do?"

Jacob pulls back and strides toward Theodore, pushing him to take a few steps back.

"If you will put me in charge... Well..."

Jacob locks the door behind him, never breaking his intense gaze on Theodore. The audible click of the lock makes Theodore hold his breath in anticipation.

With a tender touch, Jacob trails his finger along Theodore's temple before gently tracing down to his nape, completely covering it with his warm hand. He murmurs softly, "Your face has turned red. Are you not eagerly anticipating this?"

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