Kingdom Games

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You let out a yawn as you balanced on your chair. General Villainy was practically a free period today since your class pretty much flew through the assignment today. And by that I mean you had placed a sleeping potion into Badwolf's coffee. The assignment was to use a potion to hex someone, so you passed with flying colours.

Maybe. You'll have to wait for him to wake up to tell you if you passed or not.

Lizzie: Oh my.

You looked to your left to find Lizzie looking at her Mirrorpad. You raised a brow in curiosity.

Y/N: What's up? Something intresting? Did Blondie finally expose "Beangate"?

Lizzie: Beangate?

Y/N: So she didn't. Bummer.

Lizzie looked at you slightly concerned.

Lizzie: Well, no. But, preparations for the Kingdom Games have started.

You turned to her.

Y/N: Kingdom Games? What's that?

Faybelle: OMGM. You're hopeless.

You and Lizzie looked to Faybelle who was filing her nails at the desk in front of yours.

Y/N: Last time you were involved in any kind of game, you helped my brother and the Evil Queen take over the school, so shush.

She rolled her eyes.

Faybelle: I already apologized for that. And I spent my entire Chapter Break cleaning the school.

She mumbled a curse under her breath towards Milton.

Faybelle: Besides, everyone knows what the Kingdom Games are.

You crossed your arms.

Y/N: Well, enlighten me, Miss Know-It-All.

Faybelle smacked her lips and turned back to you.

Faybelle: The Kingdom Games are when the leading Kingdoms send their best students to compete against each other.

Oh. That actually sounded

Lizzie: It's a combat spot, much like the Dragon Games. The students of each school select three students to go and compete. Of course, the Royal Families could also join if they have three champions of the proper age.

Y/N: Oh, so, like, the Charmings could send Darling, Daring, and Dexter?

Faybelle: Pretty much. But it only happens every three years.

Your interests were now peaked. If EAH really did pick three students, surely you would be one of them. You had the best track record for this sort of thing.....right?

But that also raised a new question. Would Oz partake? It would be odd for that to be a thing seeing as Oz didn't have a school and even if you just represented your family it would be you, Oswalt, and Ruby. And Ruby wasn't really a fighting type of person.

She was a lover, not a fighter.

Y/N: Would Wonderland enter anyone?

Lizzie: Oh, my mother has already picked her champions. Chase is one of them.

It had been a while since you last saw Chase. You did text him semi-regularly, but the last time you actually saw him was just before school began again.

You began to smile a bit.

You were actually pretty....excited.

Ever After High: The End (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now