The Kingdom Games Begin

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Long ago, long before the class of classics, before their grandparents, before even their grandparents, there was a tradition. A show of good fate between the kingdoms in an attempt to keep peace. Each Royal Family would pick three champions to compete in a series of games to show their might. This was the beginning of the Kingdom Games.

Y/N: Wow. Didn't know it ran that deep.

You closed the book that Braum gave you and looked up to see the other teams gathered around, discussing plans and stretching while you and your team hung back. Everyone was locked in right now, mentally preparing themselves for what was to come.

You spotted Hunter, Cerise, and Dadling. You smiled over the prospect of going against them in a challenge.

And while you all waited in the mock arena, Ruby waited with the others in the field where many of the students and guests gathered.

Lizzie: It should be starting soon.

Ruby looked around. Where are the games being held? There was nothing but the open sea in front of them. A few boats were anchored a ways out, but that was it. Raven just put a hand on her shoulder and pointed to the water. Ruby looked, and suddenly felt a slight surge of magic.

The ground began to shake slightly before the water began to bubble. The crowd watched as from below the waves emerged a large stone structure. A coliseum of massive size began to rise from it's watery grave for it's tri-yearly visit. Horns were sound and the Royal Guards began to usher people into the stadium.

As Ruby entered the stadium, she noticed that some people were noticeably missing.

Namely, the heads of the Royal Family.

Wicked took a sip from her coffee mug while a familiar figure smiled with a hum.

Cheshire: I have to say, I'm rather hexcited to see how this all goes.

Wicked looked to her old friend who was present to be a sort of moderator for what was to come. Though slightly surpised to see Wicked, she had already heard the news from her daughter. She herself had a cup of tea.

Cheshire: You must be super nervous. Talking to the people responsible for so much stuff that happened to Oz.

Wicked: Yes. I would be lying if I said I wasn't. But, they called the meeting and I must attend as acting head of the family.

Cheshire was a bit surpised by this as well. But, no one got to question it much before the doors opened and Wicked watched as many of her former peers entered. The Queen of Hearts spotted Wicked and offered a wave, which Wicked gleefully returned. The others, however, weren't greeted so warmly.

Besides Cheshire, Badwolf was also called in to help should things get out of hand. But Snow White and King Charles Charming were also present. Peter Pan flew in and immediately found a place to lay down and lounge, only here because he needed to be. Wicked kept her eyes on the heads of the Royal Family, already regretting the things that would be need to said.

Snow: I believe this is everyone. Thank you all for coming, especially at such short notice.

Everyone took a seat as Snow took the stand.

Snow: Once again, the Kingdom Games are upon us. As always, we will remain cordial and we will cheer on our champions.

Many of the heads agreed while Wicked kept quiet. Badwolf even grunted.

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