A Day Off For The Narrator

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Maddie: Something feels...weird.

Ozzie: What? That's weird for you to say. Oh no. Are we gonna die?!

Maddie: I don't think so. But it's quiet.


Ozzie: I mean, it's just us here.

Kitty: MADDIE!

Maddie: Oh, hello my Feline Friend.

Kitty: The Narrator took the day off! No one is here to narrate what we do!

Ozzie: What? How does a Narrator take a day off?

Maddie: Oh, cheese and crackers. This is bad.

Kitty: You have to narrate! I don't know what I'm even doing! Am I freaking out?! Where are we?! Who else is here?!

Ozzie: What is happening?!

Maddie: Well, I guess I get to be the Narrator again. Yay! Time for a theme song!

Maddie and Kitty both looked up at the sky while Ozz-uh-you stood there confused. You were just enjoying tea with Maddie on the balcony when Kitty suddenly showed up and said that the usual Narrator, Lexi, took the day off.

Kitty: I think you used the wrong theme song.

Maddie: Did I? It's the only one I had.

Kitty: Yeah, that one is for Bratz.

Ozzie: What's Bratz?

Maddie: Don't worry about that. They got canceled too.

Ozzie: Canceled?

You looked at the two as they tapped their chins. They had the power to pretty much narrate whatever they wanted. And while Maddie took the Narrator vow, Kitty never did.

Maddie: Wait, you didn't?

Kitty smirked. She had an idea that immediately made you worry. Before Maddie could do anything, I TOOK OVER!

This is my story now. And that means I can do whatever I want. Mmmmm. Ideas ideas.

Maddie: Kitty...

Y/N: What are you....

Let's get away from this for a bit.

Okay, there we go. Just me and you, reader. Now, I'm kind of bored with how things have been going. It's been all about the Ozzians, which isn't all bad, but these chapters have been....lacking.

Too much emotion!

And not enough of me and my lover!

And I feel like it's time for some fun.

Time for that to change. But before we do that, we need a better theme song. Hit it!

That's much better.

Now, what should we do first? Oh, I know! How about we do some cute anime stuff? Let's have ourselves a Shōjo.

Let me set the stage.


It was yet another day at Everafter City as spring began to take hold. The cold air was now getting a bit warmer with the leaves returning to their beautiful green color. The same green that shined from the eyes of one Oswalt Ozymandias. The boy walked with his bag over his shoulder. His school uniform was properly taken care of and he face held a neutral stare.

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