Just Right with Blondie Locks

194 10 18

Part 1: My Lovely Intern

Wicked: And so, that is why mixing dragon's blood and mermaid's tears in a tall beaker results in a yellow potion, while mixing them in a short beaker results in a blue potion! However, if you were to use DRAGON'S tears and MERMAID'S blood-

Blondie: I, uh, think we have enough to work with.

Blondie yawned. She forced a smile onto her face as Ruby lowered her MirrorPad.

Blondie: Thanks, Professor Wicked!

She smiled gleefully.

Wicked: Don't forget, kids! Surprise pop quiz tomorrow!

She paused for effect.


Blondie sighed loudly as the two students left the laughing witch behind.

Blondie: That was hexcruciatiiiing!

Ruby: You can say that again. I didn't want a potion lesson on my day off.

Ruby walked beside her down the halls of Ever After High. Students were all around them, chatting, hanging out, and retrieving things from their lockers.

Blondie: We're gonna put a sleeping spell on the entire school if we run that piece! We need a really GOOD story, something really juicy! Something that'll have the whole campus talking!

She looked really fired up.

Ruby scratched her head.

Ruby: Yeah, but... like what? My brothers are actually being normal for once, so we can't go to the tried and true bread and butter.

Blondie's yellow head turned from side to side, her blue eyes roving the halls in an almost predatory manner. There was a story here! She just had to find it!

Ruby's alarm suddenly went off, telling her that it was time for her other plans for the day.

Ruby: Oh, I gotta bounce. Will you be okay on your own?

Blondie: Just stop by the studio before curfew to make sure I didn't fall asleep editing this.

The girls shared a laugh before Ruby headed down the hall, Blondie still looking for her golden story.

And then, she saw it. Across the hall, Darling Charming was at her locker, putting in the combination, when Ruby crept up behind her and slipped her pale, slender hands over Darling's sky-colored eyes. Darling looked surprised, but when she turned around and saw it was Ruby, she smiled enthusiastically.

Blondie: Aha!

Blondie bit her lip to suppress a wicked grin.

Blondie: AHA!

Y/N: Aha what?

You just happened to be passing by when you saw Blondie having an episode in the middle of the hall. You just wanted to make sure she was alright.

Blondie: Aha THEM, silly!

Blondie pointed at the two girls.

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