The First Trial

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The teams gathered as the crowd cheered for their respective favorites. You waved to some of your adoring fans, but stopped when you saw your mother. She was with the other Royal Heads, but it was clear she didn't feel like being there. Regardless, it was good to make the public think that things were okay.

The shakey truce was definitely not reassuring.

Snow: You've all waited long enenough. Now, we bring you the first game of the event!

Snow took a step back as a pair of dwarves carried a kind of bell into view. Snow took the small rope into her hand and pulled on it, making the bell ring. A burst of magic surrounded the arena and a few different things began to appear before your very eyes.

Oswalt: What is this?

Alistar: The arena has magic to help it host the games. It helps to make everything random.

Before you was what appeared to be a sort of obstacle course. Looking around, you spotted some small targets posted around at random points.

Snow: This is the first trial. The Hero's Journey. Our champions will race through the course and will score points by hitting various targets located around the arena. But time is key. Should you take too long, the trial will end and you will be disqualified from the game.

Y/N: So, a time trial. Sweet.

The only question now is...who would go?

While the teams discussed who would be picked for the trial, the crowd watched and cheered. However your group were talking among themselves.

Ruby: So, what else happens during the Kingdom Games? I saw all the booths, but is that it?

Maddie: Nope! We have a lot of traditions! Like the Kingdom Dance!

Everyone looked at her. She sipped on her tea.

Raven: Uh, aren't you supposed to be with your team.

Maddie: Oh yeah.

She quickly jumped from the stands and back into the arena. Ruby raised a brow before turning to the others.

Ruby: The Kingdom Dance? We have a dance after this?

Brair: Hosted by yours truly. At the end of the week, when the winning champions are crowned, the kingdoms throw massive dance for every student. And, on the discussion of traditions, we do have one that's pretty cute.

She placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder and pointed to a couple sitting a few seats away. Ruby noticed that the girls both had white roses in their hair.

Ruby: Roses?

Briar: Couples exchange roses to with each other, but on the last day, you give a rose to someone you want to be your lover. Girls give white roses, and guys give red roses. Pretty cool, huh?

Ruby blushed a bit. She honestly thought it was romantic, but she didn't exactly have anyone to give a rose to. Despite coming here hexcited to meet boys, she never actually got a chance to.

Briar: Maybe you can find someone too.

Ruby was now a blushing mess while the others laughed. They all began to tease her while Lizzie kept her eyes on the roses in the girls' hair. She wondered if you would give her one. Then again, you might not even know about the tradition.

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