Chapter 61 - What else you are hiding?

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Third person pov :

One month have passed since everything happened and Avyaan spends time mostly with his dad in business trips and underground business.

Vanshika spends her time with Advik or either the twins or with Anaya.

And on the other hand Sakshi spends her time either planning with Arjun or troubling the Malhotra's.

"Sakshi" Arjun called her as she picked up his call.

"Speak Acp?" She said eating custard.

"You know right tomorrow is the hearing of the court " Arjun said,  making Sakshi pause.

"Yes.. I know " Sakshi said nervously.

"Don't lie " Arjun said sternly.

"Alright...I forgot! " She admitted rolling her eyes.

"Please until I come,  don't move out of the mansion understood!" He said.

Tomorrow is finally the day, truth about Vijay Malhotra will come out!

"Hmm.. " She said hesitating.

"Viraj Malhotra would try very much to let you out first but don't leave the house until I came! The court has given me the responsibility. "  Arjun said,  Sakshi hummed in understanding.

"Alright see you tomorrow! " He said hanging up.

Sakshi continued her eating,  while thinking about the Malhotra.

What dirty trick will they try to move out of her way?
After a hectic day he had,  Today Avyaan is on rest.

Still he was checking his  younger siblings report of this month.

He was surprised to see Sakshi test paper had good marks.

"She worked looks like" Avyaan said,  but then something caught his attention.

Her handwriting!

He called Sophia and asked her to bring her previous test papers. She did as said.

He matched the handwriting and it was different!

He sighed and rubbed his temples,  He stood up and walked out of his home office.

He heard barking sound and saw Billy  growling at Vanshika as she came, she was scared, she walked out from there to her room scared.

He raised his eyebrows, at Billy.

The dog that never barked on her and was growling at her.

The twins laughed at her scared look. Avyaan was feeling suspicion now.

He called Sophia and the guard who held Billy.

"Is something wrong with Billy? " He asked.

"No Sir.. " The guard said, He nodded his head.

"Sophia, Was she scared of Billy before? "Avyaan asked glancing at his younger brothers.

"No sir... But When she came from Her vacation Billy started to bark on her, and even tried to attack her"  Sophia said,  Avyaan looked at her.

"Why didn't I got to know this? " He asked disappointed.

"Sir.. Aryan Sir had told us not to tell you"  Sophia said.

Avyaan sighed and shook his head.

Avyaan doesn't like when his brother hides  things from him!

He went to the hallways,  and  glanced at the hallways.

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