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D'ella's POV-

Me, kiri, Loak, spider and tuk jumped and weaved over the very large rope of vine and rocks that led out of high camp.

They wanted to explore the old battlefield and I just wanted an adventure and see if I could find pretty rocks and flowers.

3rd POV-

"C'mon tuk! Hurry up" Loak said as she stopped to touch a flower. Right as she stood up and ran towards him d'ella stopped and touched the same plant.

Loak sighed and throw a small pebble at her to get her attention. When she looked up at him he said "let's go D"

Even though d'ella couldn't hear she spent her whole childhood learning to read lips so she was used to her family over exaggerating their words so she could understand.

They continued to run until they found a fallen battle ship.

"Is there any dead bodies up there?" Tuks cute little high pitched voice called out. Nobody gave her and answer but d'ella rubbed her braids out of her face which she did often with everyone. It's how she showed affection.

After a few minutes spider and Loak climbed down from the battleship and d'ella left tuk to play with spiders dreads. Spider and her father where her favorites to play with because of their dreads.

Spider laughed as she tickled his neck on accident. Spider and d'ella have always been close because she was barley half a foot taller than him. D'ella had always been small for her age but not that far from kiri.

"Spider! Come check this out bro!" Loak called out and as spider ran over d'ella followed knowing something was up.

"That's not one of ours" is all d'ella caught from the conversation but she knew what they where on about because she saw the giant foot print with a boot print.

D'ella not knowing it started to whine which caught everyone's attention. Because d'ella couldn't hear she didn't know when she started to whine in stressful situations.

Spider stepped forward and cupped her face making her look at him "it's ok d'ella I'm sure one of our avatars just wanted to check out the battlefield like us!" That got her to stop whining and everyone untensed at that.

No one believed what spider had said not even himself or d'ella but they chose to to keep them selves calm.

Kiri waited until her twin wasn't facing her to look at Loak "call dad. Now" Loak knew it was serious so he put away his fear and pride and pressed on the ear piece.

D'ella's POV-

As I walked away from my siblings and friend I saw something move out of the corner of my eye in the forest. I wanted to know what it was so I followed it not realizing I leaft my siblings vision.

I'm hoping it's another palalukan cub they where the cutest!

Unknown POV- as me and my team hid behind various trees and bushes we watched as a small Navi wondered away from her friends who seemed to have a human with them.

You could tell she was the most innocent thing on pandora even more than a child, she even seemed to be the size of one but you could tell she was a teenager maybe between 13-15.

I even felt a sliver of guilt for what was about to happen.

D'ella's POV-

As I went to check behind a bush I felt a small hand on my waist. Knowing who it was I quickly spun around and grabbed tuk quickly spinning her around.

When I put her back on the ground I saw the others approaching but then I saw a look of fear on everyone's faces and before I could turn around I was grabbed with an arm around my waist and another grabbing the base of my kuru.

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