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Neytiri's POV

As me and my husband where enjoying our alone time taking turns feeding the other different fruits I heard what a never wanted to hear again. My most vulnerable child's cry for me.

I didn't look to see if my mate was following me before I took off after the cry. D'ella knows that if she screams I come running, something she found funny when she was a toddler. But in this moment I knew she wasn't playing around.

3rd person POV:

What the metkayina bullies didn't expect was the most scary woman they've ever seen charging at them like an angry palalukan down the beach.

Loak taking the distraction to his advantage socked aonung the gang leader in the face multiple times.

The other boys were about to step in when toruk makto grabbed loak off their friend as the angry palalukan mother grabbed the girl they'd been harassing.

Everyone including tonowari and ronal who had joined the group a few seconds ago stopped in their tracks and turned towards the rageful azure woman as she started talking.

"What has happened here?! Who had done this?!" She angrily questioned as she motioned to the little teen she was cradling who was still wailing. It broke even the bullies hearts to hear her cries.

Loak stepped forward out of his father's grasp to hold his barely older sister further away from the water as he started speaking.

"They were holding her under the water! They called her freak mother!" He explained as his eyes shot daggers at his other older sister kiri for taking D'ella from him.

That seemed to send Neytiri over the edge.

"Under the water?! She could not brea- oh! My sweet girl!" She went back to cradling her baby against her chest which D'ella loved since she thrives on physical contact.

"I will deal with you stupid, low lives later!" Neytiri said with a hiss at the end which made the boys jump, one falling on his ass.

Neytiri wanted nothing more than to skin the boys but no matter what her crying child was always her first priority.

Neytiri took D'ella to their family mauri as Jake and his two sons handled to boys and their parents, kiri following after her mother and sister.

Tuk was waiting in the mauri and Neytiri gently guided d'ella to lay next to the napping 7 year old.

Kiri lay next to her twin and guided her human looking hand towards her sisters mouth so she could suckle on the pinkie, something d'ella loved to do on her own hand but they where busy braiding her lose hair in an attempt to calm down.

"N-no s-s-sea" Neytiri and kiri heard a small mumble. That worried the two heating girls because they knew how much d'ella was starting to love the ocean.

They thought they could get the fear of water out of the girls head but boy where they were wrong.


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