~Spirit Tree~

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Third POV-

D'ella didn't quite know what was happening when Kiri and Tuk started dragging her with Tsireya, Roxto, Neteyam and them but everyone seemed excited so she started following more willingly.

Za'ke had left about an hour ago on another hunting party. It would be a day trip, much shorter than his last party. Za'ke had been hesitant to leave again after what had happened but after a while of arguing from D'ella he left, leaving an hour later than scheduled.

The group quickly found their destinated ilu, Tuk riding with D'ella, and set off the the spirit tree. Kiri had told D'ella that it was a surprise, something D'ella loved.

The group ducked under a ring made of rock and made it into an oasis that held clear water and a small island full of green plants along with some floating mountains above.

D'ella was to busy gawking at the sight that she couldn't read Tsireya's lips so she thought that this place was the surprise, but as the warm sun set the Navi's bodies started to glow along with a big tree under the water.

When D'ella finally laid her eyes on the true surprise she was in awe. It was like her tree of voices back home but this one had adapted to the marine life. Instead of having branches and hanging vines like a forest plant this one was made up of soft seaweed that you could see through that floated in an upward position instead of hanging.

Tsireya explained that the tree would give them oxygen once connected and as soon as D'ella read that she disconnected her bond from the ilu and dove into the now cold water.

The rest of the group laughed at her eagerness but quickly followed nonetheless.

After everyone made their way down they picked their own branch to connect to, entering their own visions.

-Kiri and D'ella-

A white light flashed before their eyes before they realized they were in a lab. It looked like the old one Norm used to work out of.

Kiri and D'ella started walking around a computer, feeling drawn to someone on the other side.

As the twins approached the sitting woman they soon realized what or who they were seeing.

Their mother turned around in her chair having felt a presence behind her.

The human gasped "oh my beautiful daughters" she said.

When grace stood up the teens where now a normal size for a 14 year old.

The alien girls rushed towards their mother, wanting to feel her embrace.

D'ella could feel Kiri shaking, indicating she'd started crying.

Grace pulled away now in her avatar form "what is it baby?"

Kiri still crying spoke up "why are we special? What does the great mother want with us?...who was our...father?" She asked spitting out the questions the twins had always wanted answered.

Grace opened her mouth to speak but started choking.

The girls started to speak up but they were quickly shoved back by an unknown force.

A bright light shone into D'ella's eyes before she was back into her own body but when she looked to her left Kiri was seizing. Having known it was from the vision D'ella quickly disconnected her sister from the tree, swimming up as fast as possible while the others followed.

Neteyam had crawled up onto the ilu and started cpr while the group watched asking if she was breathing and if she was alright.

D'ella watched as her sister wasn't responding to the breathes her brother was giving so she made a quick and stupid decision.


When the girl were young, still toddlers they'd learned that they could connect their minds through their kuru. (braids) They would talk for hours through the bond they shared. When Kiri was 5 she'd fallen pretty badly and cut her leg open. She'd been to scared to calm down so while her parents tried to cover the wound and calm down a screaming Kiri D'ella connected their kuru's to talk to her and hopefully calm her down. It did more than calm her down.

When her parents looked down at a bow fine kiri they saw that her leg was now perfectly fine. Not even a scar to prove she'd been hurt.

When they looked over at D'ella who was now crying they saw why.

She'd taken the pain of her sister. Wound and all.

D'ella quickly connected her braid to her sisters wanting to know what was happening in her head and hopefully heal her.

Instead D'ella started seizing as Kiri began to wake up and panic, knowing exactly what her sister had done.

Kiri was never able to take the pain like her sister had, it only worked one way so there was no way for her to help D'ella now.

Kiri had always known her sister was stronger than their siblings, both mentally and physically so she knew D'ella had a better chance at surviving this than her.

She was quickly proven right as D'ella had stoped seizing and finally breathed out after Neteyam had started CPR on her instead.

"Get her to the village!" Tsireya called out after seeing her friend had started breathing once more.


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