Zurich (Part 1)

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Two months later

Ghost sat on the edge of an overhang, surveying the warehouse complex below. His solo mission, on the outskirts of Zurich was an intel swoop. In, locate the office, collect intel and out. It should have been simple. 

But he wasn't happy. The intel he'd been emailed was very wrong. The complex was twice the size with considerably more round the clock activity, meaning his mission had become much more complicated.

Ghost was extremely experienced in the field and had become quite adept at changing tactics and adapting to unexpected issues that arose while in the field. However, He would need to regroup and plan another strategy. 

With all the re-con info he needed, Ghost walked back to the treeline to the motorcycle he'd hidden there. Finding a secluded spot off the road, Ghost called his contact, Henri to explain the issue.

Henri pondered the situation that Ghost found himself in and how he could get access. "I might know someone that can help, we've just completed a contract with a tech specialist, called Bee, she is great with surveillance and should be able to get you eyes on the inside. She's spending a week in Zurich before heading back to the states. I can get in touch, see what she says". Henri explained, hoping it would assist.

"Bee? Jesus christ!. Tech specialist? A hacker, more like" Ghost said in a serious tone.

"Oh, you know Bee? She may.......use alternative methods in her work. I've worked with her on several cases. She'll see you right" Henri expressed hoping that it was enough to convince the operator.

Ghost groaned. "Okay, if she's in, have her make contact" Ghost responded, feeling a little more positive on moving forward.

The thought of having to work with Bee again, gave Ghost mixed feelings. Yes she was great at tech work and could pretty much hack any digital system, but she had a tendency to be unpredictable. She frustrated the hell out of Ghost and always gave him a major headache.

Later that night, Ghost received a message from Henri to say that Bee would call. Sure enough, an hour later Ghost's phone rang.

The chirpy American voice chimed through the phone "Ghost man, hey how you doin?"

"Bee...you able to meet?" Ghost gruffly responded, trying not to draw out the conversation. He knew that her skills could be useful, but was still reluctant to have her on the mission.

"Good to hear your sexy English accent again, come to 125 Eyhof Street, Apartment 6, I'll be there" she said brightly.

Ghost shook his head at her comment, gruffly said "Affirmative" before hanging up.

Half an hour later, Ghost was standing in the doorway of the building, trying to avoid the security cameras. He rang the intercom.

Bee's bright voice came over "Come on up grumpy. Don't worry about the cameras, I got them on a loop, no-one will ever know you were here". The door buzzed allowing Ghost to enter.

Climbing up the stairs to apartment 6, he knocked twice. There was scurrying behind the door, before it opened revealing the short curvy redhead. She smiled, inviting him in "You got a new balaclava Ghost. Still a big scary bastard though" she teased.

Ghost scoffed at the comment, he was used to people's perception of him, it didn't bother him. Appearing intimidating served him well both on and off the field. Bee had never really shown any signs of being put off or intimidated, in fact the more menacing and gruff he was with her, the more it seemed to encourage her.

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