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Six Months Later

Having been assigned a contract in Colorado, Bee was standing in the base corridor chatting to Captain Bates, giving him an update on how her encryption and translation was going. The two temporarily distracted by a group of people entering the other end of the corridor, from the transport bay.

Just as Bee turned back to continue her conversation, a large dark figure, caught her attention, as he walked through the door. She'd recognise that figure anywhere. 

'Shit' she thought, staring straight ahead, hoping he didn't see her. He was the last person she wanted to bump into. 

Bee returned to her IT office to check on the progress of her translation program. Looking over her results, her attention was drawn to her phone buzzing in her pocket. Clicking on notifications, her heart dropped to her stomach seeing the contact name 'Grumpy Bastard'.

'There's a Bee on base'

"Fuck, he saw me" Bee exclaimed out loud, shaking her head "Course he fucking did. Nothing gets past him". Bee quickly put her phone back in her pocket, intending to ignore the message, just as she had done with all of his previous messages, and got back to work.

A half hour later, her phone buzzed again. 'You're ignoring me. I'll find you'.

Bee groaned. How the hell was she supposed to concentrate knowing he was on base and now looking for her? She could only avoid him for so long, he was an expert tracker and could damn well blend in anywhere. She was going to have to face him sometime.

Bee had gone through most of the day, staying out of sight and managing to not bump into the big man. Finally starting to relax, Bee had dinner and grabbed herself a fresh coffee and headed back to the office to continue working. 

Absorbed in her work on the screen, a low gravelly voice from beside her suddenly said "Found you". Bee yelped and nearly jumped out of her seat.

Bee spun round on her chair to see him sat, quite nonchalantly in a chair in the corner, wearing his balaclava and sunglasses. She hadn't even heard him come in the room. 

"Ghost, you sneaky bastard!" she spat out in annoyance.

"Hello Bee. Why you avoiding me?" he asked taking off his sunglasses and staring at her.

Bee scowled at the nerve of the man "I wasn't avoiding you Ghost. I just didn't want to talk to you", she huffed and turned back to her screen.

"S'not nice Bee. Been trying to get hold of you for a while" he replied with a hint of annoyance.

"Hmm, as I said. I don't wanna talk to you" Bee replied, refusing to turn to him.

"Fine, don't talk. Just listen" he scoffed.

Bee let out a long sigh "What do you want, Ghost? You wanna yell at me again, tell me how I'm impulsive, reckless and screw up intel" she huffed, anger starting to bubble up.

"Fuck sake Bee, you are impulsive and reckless, but you don't screw up intel. Your intel was clean", Ghost spat out impatiently.

"I know my intel was clean. You really still think I don't research and confirm everything before I share it? Gimme a fucking break" Bee retorted, raising her voice.

"I know that. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you" Ghost replied his voice softening a little.

Bee sighed again, running her fingers through her hair and turned to face him with an expectant look on her face. "Well? You wanna speak, then speak. I've got work to do" she angrily prompted.

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