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Two Weeks Later

Since Ghost had returned to duty, Becca had only heard from him a couple of times, with short messages, giving limited updates. He had been in South America looking for Manuel Ricardo so was out of communication for most of the time.

Laswell, however had been in touch, shortly after, to discuss intel that Bee had gathered regarding the movements of the men. She explained that both men had been captured and held for interrogation by the FSB, along with the DIA. Bee provided as much information as possible for her side of the investigation, careful to ensure that her contacts could not be identified.

Laswell had entered into negotiations with both agencies to request consideration in any information they were able to gather in their questioning, but was leaving General Foster's name out of the equation. 

In the meantime, Bee had a two week contract request for data encryption work at Camp Monteith, a military facility in Kosovo. As she prepared to leave for her transport at the nearest base to her home, Bee received a message from Ghost to say he was back from South America and was heading off to Romania. Bee let him know of her plans for the next two weeks.

Bee had been at the base for a week, when she heard from Ghost again via text. "How's our little Bee? You able to talk?"

"Yes" she replied. Her phone rang immediately.

"Hey grumpy, how you doing?" she asked cheerfully.

"I'm knackered but good. How's your job going?" he asked with genuine interest.

"It's pretty straightforward. They've got a new data system that I'm used to working with, so I'm here sorting out the mess while they're adding new intel to the mess" she replied with a giggle.

"Sounds like a fun time" Ghost said sarcastically.

"What you doing now? You got another mission on the burner?" Bee asked curiously.

"No, got some leave now, intending to take it this time" Ghost replied with a chuckle.

"I'll be here for another week, but if you're heading for the cottage, you know where the key safe is" Bee ventured hoping that Ghost would take the hint.

"Thinking I might divert to Kosovo and come bug your arse for the rest of the week" Ghost teased.

"Wow you really know how to let your hair down Ghost" Bee teased back laughing.

"I'll give you a shout when I land" Ghost replied chuckling before hanging up.

The next day, Bee was excited at being able to see Ghost again so was thrilled when she received a message from the man himself "Landed, where you hiding?"

"Usual place, building C" she replied.

An hour later, two distinctive knocks on the office door signalled he'd found her. Ghost came in and sat down in the vacant chair "How you doing love?"

"I'm good, managing to finally see an end to this mess of a system. How was your mission?" she asked with curiosity.

"Didn't get far with Ricardo, bastard's well connected and has too many ways out. Romania was pretty straight forward, intel swoop and a raid on some posh mansion" Ghost replied wearily.

"Laswell was in touch about Nicaragua. She's great with all that diplomatic shit" Bee commented.

"Haven't checked in with her or Price about it, but sounds like they got some good intel from the FSB and DIA. Your contacts provided some great intel Bee" Ghost responded.

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