Belgrade (Part 1)

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One Month Later

Ghost arrived at the military base in Serbia. He'd been contacted by their special ops team to assist in a mission to take down a weapons smuggler, Nikolas Breska, who they'd suspected was working with anti-government nationalists. 

The situation had escalated after the hijacking of two weapons shipments, with Breska and his group being the main suspects.

Ghost had a briefing with the Captain of the ops team. His first impressions were that the team were extremely capable, being highly trained and had a good handle on the nationalist group.  However, what they were short of was good up to date intel. They had no new info of Breska's movements or his possible location.

Ghost's initial mission was to conduct re-con on suspected locations of activity, searching for any intel or clues that could point to a course of action. After three such re-cons, Ghost had little to offer up to the investigation. 

The team were frustrated and becoming impatient, so Ghost met with the Captain again for a briefing. Ghost himself was becoming impatient with lack of progress anywhere within the mission and felt that the Ops team were starting to drag their feet. 

Ghost wasted no words when telling the Captain of his thoughts. Although talking to his superior, it was clear that Ghost's experience and knowledge outweighed that of the man in front of him.

Speaking candidly about his opinion on the mission, he was hit with a revelation that changed everything. Breska was ex special ops. Ghost was pissed. This information should have been revealed right at the start of the mission briefing on day one.

It changed everything, knowing that Breska was fully versed in the tactics and movements of the special ops team. As much respect as he had with the members of the team, he needed to get outside help on this mission.

Sat in his quarters, Ghost sent a quick text message before retiring for the evening. During the night he was awoken by his phone buzzing with a text notification.

'Hey big scary bastard. How you doing?'

'Fuck sake Bee. I'm good, need your bloodhound skills. ASAP'.

'Sure thing. Who or what?'

'Nikolas Breska. Ex-Special Forces Serbia turned arms smuggler. Connection to nationalists. See what you can find'.

'Will do. Off the books?'

'Of course. Possible conflict of interest'.

'Where are you based?'

'Belgrade. Why?'

'I'm in Graz, Austria, just finished up. I can get to Belgrade, will make the search easier and might need proximity for access'.

'Okay, keep me updated'.

Ghost continued with his own investigations while waiting for word from Bee. He was trying to get more information about Breska's time with Special ops. According to the Captain, who hadn't served with him, Breska's record had been clean and he'd retired after an injury on medical grounds. From what Ghost could tell, he had an exemplary record.

With no new leads, Ghost was relieved when Bee had messaged him two days later, saying she was in Belgrade and had some info. Wanting to make sure he had no ears on him, Ghost went off base on the excuse of re-con and met with Bee at an air bnb.

"How you doing Ghost man?" Bee asked making him a cuppa.

"Getting pissed off with this mission. Hope you got something good for me Bee?" he asked keen to get something moving.

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