New Life (Part 1)

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Two Months Later

Simon had almost fully healed from his burn injuries and was flourishing in his new life. He was enjoying working on diy jobs around the cottage and garden, giving him a renewed sense of purpose. Despite no longer preparing for active duty, Simon still enjoyed the discipline and routine of maintaining his training schedule to keep himself in shape and remain focussed.

Although he still grieved for the loss of Price and the separation from his team mates, he was fully committed to making his new life with Becca work. With a never ending supply of physical work, Simon enjoyed the team dymnamic that he had with Becca whenever they did projects together. 

Becca did tease him a lot and sometimes sulked when he inadvertedly went into his 'LT mode' as she put it, still needing that level of focus and control that had been trained into him. She couldn't complain though as she loved working with Simon, making their home beautiful and was overjoyed to see how much satisfaction each job brought him. 

Becca was loving her new life with Simon. He had really surprised her by how affectionate and loving he was towards her. She marvelled that for someone who claimed to have little experience in affairs of the heart, he could be effortlessly romantic without intending to. Becca glowed in the tenderness and care that he gave her.

After a lot of discussion, Becca had expertly set up a new identity for Simon, complete with a digital and paper trail with supporting documents. He had spent so many years being anonymous and hiding his identity and past, it was going to take some getting used to. Simon had given it a lot of thought since it felt odd to have control over creating a full new life, but he knew how important it would be for his new life with Becca. 

Simon finally settled on the name of Simon Harper, after his mother's maiden name, enabling him to get a Kentucky driving license. Once everything was complete, Simon sat quietly looking over his new ID and paperwork in wonder.

"Everything okay Simon?" Becca asked concerned by his lack of response.

Simon looked up at her and smiled "It's all real. I have a new life" he said looking slightly surprised.

Becca smiled and nodded "It's lovely to meet you Mister Harper" she said with a grin before kissing him gently on the lips.

Simon gazed into Becca's eyes feeling overwhelmed with love and appreciation "There's just one thing missing, that's needed to make it completely legit"  he said quietly, looking at her puzzled face.

Taking her hand in his. "Miss Rebecca Payne, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" he asked, his voice filled with emotion.

Becca grinned "In a heartbeat" she said immediately.

Becca and Simon applied for their marriage license at the local county clerk's office and went straight to the nearest jewellery store to look for rings. Simon felt elated, he knew that he loved Becca more than anything, and for him the natural next step was to marry her. 

Simon observed her looking over the rings in the display case as the clerk rambled on about various designs. Seeing her frown, he put his arm around her "What's wrong love?" he asked concerned as to her worry.

"They're all so fancy. What if I lose it in the garden or it gets damaged when I'm working at the house?" she said with a pained look.

Simon chuckled "You don't have to get anything fancy if you don't want to love. I'd marry you even if you picked a bloody ring pull to put on your finger" he said grinning.

Becca burst out laughing and playfully punched him in the chest. "What did you pick then smart ass?" she teased.

The clerk showed Becca the very plain, functional looking titanium ring that Simon had decided on. Making her decision she asked the clerk "Do you have the same one in a smaller size?"

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