Poland (Part 2)

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Ghost and his small team stopped their vehicle at the sight of two bodies on the road, now covered in snow. Even though there were no other vehicles around, they drew their weapons and prepared themselves to engage any possible enemies. Two of the sergeants in the group checked the bodies and soon concluded that they were from the supply truck. Looking around, they could see no evidence of the other vehicle on the snow covered road. 

Ghost scanned the area in hopes of any sign of the escort vehicle and Bee. One of the sergeants walked to where Ghost was "Lieutenant, I can't get through to base, there's too much interference on the radio. We suspect that the vehicles have been taken. We should get the bodies on board and head back" he offered,

"Where's the other three bodies then, sergeant? He asked in a low growl.

The sergeant shrugged his shoulders and went to walk away when Ghost noticed a damaged tree by the roadside. It looked recent. "Sergeant" he called out, gesturing to the tree.

Ghost and the sergeant shone their flash lights down the embankment and very quickly spotted the escort jeep. Carefully they made their way down towards the jeep, weapons drawn. Even in the low light, they could see the damage to the vehicle and the bullet holes thet peppered the side. Getting closer, they could see the body of the driver, still slumped in his seat. Ghost suspected he was dead, but checked his pulse to confirm. The sergeant called Ghost and gestured to the passenger side.

Making his way round the other side, Ghost saw the other soldier's body, lying beside the vehicle. The sergeant shook his head to indicate he was dead. With his stomach tightening in a knot, Ghost used his flashlight to peer inside, expecting to see Bee's body. He felt a wave of relief that the seat was empty. Not wanting to consider she may have been taken, Ghost looked around the area for any tracks. It was hard to make out anything in the newly fallen snow, but Ghost continued searching.

The sergeant had gone back up the hill to tell his colleagues of their discovery, and soon they arrived to carry back the bodies of their fallen colleagues. As Ghost was searching, he noticed an area with little snow on it, there was a faint track of footprints and some blood drops. Following the drops he could make out, he could see that they were heading down river. Bee had tried to escape.

One of the sergeants came back down the embankment to let him know that the bodies were in their truck and they were heading back. Ghost listened absent mindedly as the sergeant suggested that the nationalists had probably captured Bee and that they would have to regroup and come back with more men in the morning.

Ghost looked at him then gestured with his flash light down the river and into the darkness "Our little Bee ran. Go back, I'm gonna stay and search for her" he announced before walking in the direction of the blood drops, not waiting for a response.

It wasn't long before Ghost lost sight of blood drops and could no longer see any tracks. Thinking to himself 'Where would you run to Bee?' Deciding on the path of least resistance, Ghost walked on, following what little natural path he could see.

Ghost was an excellent tracker and soon came upon a spot by a tree where the snow looked compacted. Searching around, he saw the faint drops of blood. Feeling more confident he was indeed on the right track, he continued on. Even in the dim light, he was looking for any clue to where she could be.

Ghost was aware of the need to find her as quickly as possible with the temperature dropping and the evidence that she had been injured. It didn't take him long before he spotted a tree root sticking up from the ground with a faint indent in the snow and a small smear of blood. Moving more quickly, he listened to his surroundings for anything unusual or that stuck out. The he heard it, a small huff in the distance. He was getting closer and she was still alive.

Now fully alert to where she could be and that she may need emergency medical help, Ghost was no longer concerned with being stealthy. He needed to get to her quickly. Ghost heard the snap as he stood on a branch under the snow, stopping to listen carefully for any movement. He was sure he could hear footsteps ahead.

When the footsteps stopped, he stopped again and listened trying to figure why she had stopped. He then heard the base vehicle engine as it drove down the road and saw the headlights through the trees. 'Clever girl' he thought to himself. Ghost slowly carried on walking, listening carefully for any further sounds, but was puzzled when he heard none. 'Where are you hiding little Bee' he wondered.

Ghost was suddenly caught off guard by movement to his left and before he could respond, he felt someone punch him hard in the groin. Groaning in pain, he dropped to his knees. He was about to call out when a figure jumped onto him, making him fall backwards onto the ground before starting to pummell him with their fists.

Ghost was pissed but he found himself smiling as he realised how small the small figure was. He'd found her. She was alive and literally kicking. Ghost quickly righted himself throwing her to the side and jumping onto her, immobilising her arms with his knees. She was still fighting so he held her down with one hand as he put his other over her mouth, to stop her from shouting out.

Ghost chuckled at the woman wriggling below him. He lowered his head to her ear and growled "Fuck sake Bee. Did you have to go for my bloody nuts?".

Recognising the voice, Bee stopped wriggling immediately and took a sharp intake of breath through her nose. Ghost was the last person she'd expected. Ghost removed his hand so she could breathe properly. "Ghost?" she whispered.

Ghost got off her and helped her to her feet, ready to check if she was okay, when she punched him hard in the chest "Fucking hell Ghost, you scared the shit outta me. I thought they'd found me, you bastard" she whispered through gritted teeth.

"You're fucking welcome" Ghost growled.

"Piss off. Why're you here anyway?" Bee spat impatiently as she started shivering in the cold.

"Came to look for your irritating arse. What the fuck is your problem?" he retorted angrily.

"My problem? Oh nothing really, just got shot at, cartwheeled down a hill in a fucking jeep, shot at again and frozen half to death. Other than that I'm just fucking peachy, Ghost" Bee grumbled, feeling the frustrated tears start again.

Ghost took in her words and felt a little bad for giving her a hard time. She'd been through hell and was now stuck out in some remote valley, at night, in freezing snow. Ghost suddenly remembered that Bee was injured.

"I saw blood, where you hurt?" he asked concerned.

Bee sighed dropping her shoulders "My leg's cut, but I have my med kit, so I cleaned and wrapped it" she explained feeling the wave of exhaustion hitting her again as the adrenaline started to subside.

"Okay, we need to find some shelter before we freeze to death. The others won't be back till morning and we can't see shit till then, so lets keep moving" Ghost said with confidence.

Bee didn't argue, she was walking dead on her feet and suspected she had the starting symptoms of hypothermia. Despite her annoyance at Ghost and his shitty entrance, Bee did feel grateful that she was no longer on her own.

Bee followed Ghost as he meandered through the darkness, following the vague trail. Neither of them spoke for a while, concentrating on each footfall. Ghost stopped to check on her, since she hadn't uttered a word since they'd started walking.

"Not used to you being so quiet. You doing okay back there Bee?" he asked cautiously.

"Piss off" she spat. When he didn't respond to her jibe, she continued "I'm fucking freezing and can't stop shivering. Think I'm hypothermic" she said seriously.

Ghost didn't answer, but immediately took off his utility belt and put down his weapons before taking off his jacket. "Here, this might help a bit till we can get some shelter outta this wind" he said softly, helping her into the jacket.

"Thanks" Bee murmured in response, wrapping herself in the warm oversized jacket. She was still shivering but the feeling of the jacket cocooning her and knowing that she was safe with Ghost, a seasoned operative, gave her some hope that she'd now be okay.

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