Texas (Part 2)

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Ghost let out a long sigh "They're all gone" he said quietly.

Bee looked at him wanting to ask the question that was on the tip of her tongue. Ghost sensed what she was going to say "No, it wasn't him"

"It's complicated. Had a mission to take out a cartel, we were betrayed and ambushed. Three of us survived, imprisoned and tortured for months. Barely survived and only escaped after they buried me alive".

"Back home, the two guys that had been with me turned up when they found out I was still alive. Bastards were working for the cartel. I refused to go back with them, so they killed my family and framed me" Ghost said with a soft voice filled with bitterness and sadness.

Bee had tears in her eyes when he looked up "I'm so sorry Ghost. The cartels are vicious, but to have your team mates do that. I can't imagine. Were they caught? Were you arrested? Sorry too many questions. I'll shut up" Bee said shaking her head.

"No it's okay. I took them out and faked my own death. Went after the cartel and took the fuckers down too" Ghost said bitterly.

"So you really are a Ghost" Bee whispered.

They sat in silence for a while, not really sure what else to say after the revelations. Bee looked at Ghost, who appeared lost in thought "Thanks for telling me Ghost. What's said here stays here, you have my word" she said with conviction.

Ghost looked up and saw only sincerity in her face. "Appreciate it. You know, while I'm here, you can call me Simon" he said quietly.

"Simon? Never saw you as a Simon" she said smirking.

"What the fucks that supposed to mean?" he said feigning offence and laughing.

Bee giggled. "It's nice to meet you Simon, I'm Rebecca Payne" she said holding out her hand to shake.

Simon shook his head and laughed "Rebecca? You don't look like a Rebecca, figured you'd have something more common" he teased holding out his own hand to shake hers.

"Fuck off" she scoffed swatting away his hand while laughing.

"Lieutenant Simon Riley. Pleased to meet you Miss Rebecca Payne" he said bowing his head.

"Pleased to meet you too Lieutenant Simon Riley" Bee responded, smiling brightly.

The mood now lightened, Simon readied himself to go to bed in the spare room, for a much needed night's sleep.

For the next week and a half, Simon found himself completely relaxing in the amiable and quiet atmosphere of the cottage. Taking full advantage of the maps Becca (as he started referring to her) had given him, he thoroughly explored the area, noting some good places to go hunting.

Becca had another contract come in, so spent a lot of time working away in her office, while Simon busied himself around the cottage, training and doing target practice. He was surprised how much he enjoyed simply relaxing quietly, sitting on the porch, looking out at the scenery.

Returning from a successful hunting trip, Simon sat preparing a couple of wild turkeys on a picnic table in the garden. Occasionally glancing around at his surroundings, he mused at the feeling of complete peace that had been so lacking in his life.

As Simon was putting away the turkey meat and washing up, Becca appeared from her office. "Got some interesting info come through on Mohammed Ahzari" she said catching his interest.

Grabbing them both a drink, Simon joined Becca in the office where she had intel opened on her laptop. "What you got Becca?" he asked keen to hear.

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