New Mexico (Part 2)

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Back on base, Ghost headed off for a debriefing session with Price, leaving Bee to do her own thing. With no office to work in, Bee set up her laptop in the mess hall so she could double check her programs and the security measures she had in place to protect her connection.

As she was working, Soap and Gaz came in. Both men greeted Bee warmly as Gaz started getting ingredients together for the team dinner. Soap sat with Bee at the table "How ye daen there wee Brave?" he asked looking at her typing away. "Me and Gaz bet on whether ye'd make it back or if Ghost would chuck ye aff a cliff" he said laughing.

Bee laughed at his comment "I was on my best behaviour. I've worked with Ghost enough to know what buttons not to press" she said grinning.

"Told you Soap, Bee's smarter than you think" Gaz called over in response.

"You won the bet then Gaz?" Bee asked.

"Aye twenty quid he took aff me" Soap scoffed.

"Ghost may be pissed with me, but even he wouldn't compromise a mission Soap. That was an easy twenty to lose" Bee teased.

"Aye aye. So did ye bring yer bow and arrow wae ye Brave?" Soap asked with a cheeky smirk.

Bee rolled her eyes "Really Soap? I actually prefer a crossbow, but I can't use the range on bases, so sorry to disappoint, no demonstration" Bee retorted.

"Aw away an bile yer head lassie. I dinnae believe fur a second ye can fire a crossbow" Soap scoffed looking at the young woman and seeing her raise her eyebrows. "Kin ye?"

"Was taught how to use one when I was twelve, still use it" Bee responded nonchalantly.

"Yer pulling ma leg lass" Soap said suspiciously, then squinted at her "Prove it" he challenged.

"I can't. I told you I can't use firing ranges on base. I'm not military" Bee replied.

Soap seemed to ponder her comment for a while before saying "I can get ye oan the range"

"Soap!" Gaz warned.

"Whit? I can get Price tae sign aff on it, he can say it's precautionary cos she's helping wae our mission" Soap protested. Turning to Bee he asked "Ye up fur it lass?"

"If Price okays it, then sure" Bee replied.

Soap got up with a determined look and headed off to find Price. Gaz turned to Bee "You pulling his leg or what, Bee?" he asked curiously.

Bee giggled "No, I've used a cross bow since I was twelve. I'm a pretty good shot" she admitted.

"Brilliant, I can't wait to see Soap's face when you show him up. He's shit with a cross bow" Gaz said laughing.

Bee helped Gaz prepare the rest of the dinner and getting it in the oven and was surprised when Soap arrived at the mess hall waving a slip of paper. "Let's go then" Soap said confidently.

"You serious?" Bee asked in amazement.

"Aye, lets get at it then lass" He said as Gaz and Bee followed him.

The three of them entered the firing range, picked up a cross bow and box of bolts from the armoury before walking to their allocated area.

Soap put the bow and bolts on the table and gestured to Bee. "Come oan then lass, show us whit ye got" Soap said cheerfully.

Bee picked up the high caliber crossbow and examined it carefully, testing the weight in her hands. "Jesus Soap, this is a serious piece of equipment. It's a lot heavier than mine" Bee mused as the two men watched.

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