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Aarohi went and started making poha and tea again and the condition of the kitchen was too bad, everything was scattered. She thought she will have to clean everything when she heard

"Aarohi are you done? We are getting late, make it fast" said rehaan

"Rehaan, I don't think you should send her, she has let us down in front of the entire college, it will bring the family name down , let's keep her at home only" said dadisa

Arohi heard this and had tears already but one stern look from rehaan and she went to get bag.

"Bhai, are you sure bhabhi will be fine, it has affected her allot, what if she faints , she needs rest right now, she can continue after a few days, I can see the fear in her eyes" said nakul

"Also bhai the college is a reputed college where many high profile students come, I don't think she is able to make space for herself there" remarked Tara

Rahul and nitya were about to open their mouths when,

"Dadisa, she has not let us down in front of everyone, it is our deeds that she has suffered this, had you not made her wear all that she would have never been noticed and the bullying would have never started. Also about letting down, she could have revealed all the shit that we did with her to the students and people would have no ounce of respect for us, but on the contrary she said she was following some important ritual as a newlywed , that's how she let out name up in front of soo many people. So keeping her in the house is no point, she has nothing to be scared of , but we doo" said rehaan with a stoic face.

"Now coming to you nakul, studying is her dream and to fulfill it she will do it, she needs to be fearless, not everytime she can expect help from you" Rahul and nitya laughed internally.

"And coming to you Tara, if you can do a background check, she belongs to a  upper- higher class family, she has rajput blood in her, and she is married to another very reputed and respectful family, she is my wife, Mrs. Rehaan Suryawanshi , she can she will and she has to make space for herself."

"Euh! Shouted an over excited rahul and immediately kept a hand on his mouth

All faces turned towards him, " nityaa are you done let's goo, we are getting late, have you taken everything you needed" he eyes nitya and she nodded with determination. "Let's go"

Arohi also came . Rehaan stood up, "let's go" they both moved towards the car and sat. Arohi was confused if she should sit in the front, would be like it or not.

"Sit aarohi, what are you waiting for?" She suddenly opened the door and sat. She kept tapping her feet all the way .

"Aarohi" she was lost in her own thoughts. Arohi, he raised his voice a little. " Yess!, sorry " he was confused why is she saying sorry but let it goo.

"We are about to reach, I am going to drop you till your class and then I have to meet a few people.okay? "

" You will come to drop me till class? " Asked arohi

"yes, why not?" " I am not a nursery student i can go alone"

He laughed a little " oh yaah , you are in the 1st standard, sorry I forgot" he smirked.

Arohi scrunched her nose and looked outside the window irritatingly.

" I was joking baba, I know but I want to drop you till your class"

They reached college. Inside the college corridor, Arohi couldn't help but express her frustration, "I don't think you should come with, it's just degrading to your family.

Rehaan, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, replied, "People will always talk, Arohi. Just focus on your studies, and eventually, they'll realize their gossip doesn't affect us."

As they walked, they overheard snippets of conversations. A group of girls whispered, "Did you see that guy with Arohi? He's so hot!" Another chimed in, "And poor Arohi, she doesn't stand a chance next to him."

Rehaan, with a smirk, quipped, "Let them talk. Our happiness is more important than their gossip."

Later, when Rehaan dropped Arohi off at her class, she thanked him with a smile. Rehaan leaned in, whispering, "Ignore the noise, Arohi. I'll be waiting for you after class."

As he left, Arohi felt a bit more at ease, knowing she had someone who stood by her side despite the judgmental whispers echoing in the college halls.

Suddenly there was a chaos in the canteen and she could here, the suryanvanshi kids are here. Listening this she started going towards them..

Startled by the commotion, Arohi rushed towards the canteen and found Nitya, Rahul, and Aarohi's friend Anjali embroiled in a heated confrontation with the students who had bullied Aarohi the previous day.

Rahul, holding a bat, shouted, "You dare hurt my bhabhi? This is payback!" as he swung the bat defensively. Nitya, armed with sandals, fiercely defended Aarohi and Anjali, landing resolute blows on those who had tormented them.

Anjali shoued, "You bullied Aarohi yesterday, and we couldn't let it slide. We had to teach you a lesson."

Arohi bravely stepped in front of Rahul and Nitya, taking a blow meant for them, the canteen erupted into chaos. The bullies were relentless, and Arohi's friends tried their best to shield her from further harm.

"Bhabhi move, we can handle them, don't come in between" shouted Rahul.

"Well, look who decided to show up! The scared cat finally found some courage?"

Arohi: (hesitantly) I... I can't let you hurt my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and friend. I'll stand up for them.

Oh, how touching! Little Arohi needs her protectors. Can't fight for herself, huh?

Arohi:,  I won't let anyone harm my loved ones. I'll take anything for them.

So, anjali, found a new friend, huh? Aarohi, right? Quite a meager choice for someone like you.

Arohi is my friend, and I value our friendship. It's about support and understanding.

Support? Understanding? Look at her, acting like she's some kind of queen bee. What do you see in her?

Anjali:  Maybe you should try understanding people instead of judging them. I see qualities beyond your narrow perspective.

You both think you're so righteous! It's time someone knocked some sense into you.

The girl, furious now, raised a hand to slap Anjali. Arohi, seeing the impending danger, quickly stepped in between, taking the blow meant for her friend.

Arohi winced in pain,

Anjali shouted " aarohi"

and as the girl prepared for another slap, and arohi was ready for it.

A strong hold caught the girl's hand in mid-air.

That's enough. You won't touch them.


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