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As of reading this announcement, if you have read through FIANV far enough, you'd probably going to notice that 2 chapters, more specifically 'Recon and Awe' and 'North and South' have disappeared already with more expected to be done the same.

This is because they're going to be rewritten. I apologize for the inconvenience to both new readers and those who had been here for long but in truth, Flaska i an Ny Verden has come a long way since I started back in 2023. It has so far become my biggest success for a first work, but that doesn't mean there are no problems, in fact, this is especially true for the first chapters (except for the Prologue which has since been rewritten as A New, Chaotic Start)

My writing style has changed over the course of several months (or maybe even a year by this point), and what seemed to be good at first is nowadays just meh to me (some parts are just straight up cringe). Those chapters will return, but with a more consistent writing with better storytelling that doesn't look like it was put together in one day in one go... which they actually were, and perhaps a new title when I see fit. It's also possible I may split one into two.

New chapters will still be worked on, but in the meantime, I will also get the first parts up to date. Thank you for reading this and stay tuned for the chapters to come back as new.

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