5. Unveiling the Pasts

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As they roamed the palace, each step filled Freen and Becky with curiosity and wonder. They explored every royal chamber, but it was the room adorned with paintings of Anilaphat that captured their attention. Becky, feeling invigorated, insisted she could walk on her own now, playfully teasing Freen by calling her "Pin."

Freen's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected nickname, her brow furrowing with concern. "What did you call me, Becky?" she asked, her voice tinged with unease.

Becky giggled innocently. "Just teasing you, Pin," she replied, reassuring Freen with a smile.

Relieved, Freen joined Becky in exploring the room further. While Becky bubbled with excitement, Freen couldn't shake the feeling of warmth and familiarity that enveloped her. It was as if she knew the spirit lingering in the room, offering comfort and solace.

Eager to see more of the palace, Freen suggested they move on, but Becky seemed strangely knowledgeable about the layout of the palace. She mentioned a secret meeting place where Anil and Pin used to rendezvous, despite their father's forbiddance.

Freen's curiosity piqued. "How do you know about their secret meetings?" she asked, surprised by Becky's insight.

Becky chuckled, revealing that she had found a book belonging to Pin in their room, filled with details about the palace and the forbidden romance between Anil and Pin. With newfound understanding, Freen realized the significance of the rooms they had explored – one belonging to Anil and the other to Pin.

As they continued their exploration, Freen couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with Becky's behavior. Yet, she brushed aside her suspicions, captivated by the unfolding mysteries of the palace.

Moving ahead, they reached the exact spot where Freen felt unease earlier. She took small steps towards the place, while Becky stood still. She wasn't ready to go there, but she had to. Freen slowly pushed the big rock that covered the secret path under it. Unable to move it alone, she asked for Becky's help. Becky slowly reached out, and together they finally managed to move the rock. They descended and found a very brutal place, filled with screams and sounds. Freen could feel thousands of spirits around her, while Becky remained frozen in her spot, tears filling her eyes.

Ignoring Becky's hesitation, Freen pressed forward, desperate to uncover the truth. Each step was taken with care, her legs and hands trembling with fear. As she took another step, something fell on her shoulder, causing her to flinch. It was just a lizard. She sighed and moved ahead, finding hundreds of prisons filled with different spirits.

Finally reaching the corner of the place, Freen discovered a hanging rope, presumably used for executions. Tears rushed down her cheeks as she felt the pain of those who had been hanged. She spotted bloodstains all over and was about to touch them when she heard Becky screaming loudly.

Meanwhile, Becky, standing with teary eyes, began hearing voices she had never heard before, including a lady's voice calling her. She tried to rationalize it as hallucinations, but fear gripped her for the first time. She felt as though someone was watching her since they left Anilaphat's room, sensing a presence she couldn't see. Suddenly, she felt a push and screamed loudly.

Freen came running back and found Becky lying unconscious on the ground. She felt a sharp pain in her heart at the sight. Carrying Becky in a bridal style, she hurried back to their room.

Freen's mind was consumed with what she had experienced in that place. She saw herself being hanged on the rope and even saw someone resembling Becky trying to stop it. She didn't understand why she was seeing these things or what was happening to her.


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