12. Dark forces unleashed

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The things in the palace started to grew crazier than expected. The spirits started to show its colours. The sounds in the nights started to grow. Freen couldn't close her eyes for a minute. She could see them. All were screaming in pain.

On other hand, Sani was so not in herself. She was so scared that she didn't leave Deek a second. Deek was getting used to her presence that close. Her heart still pounded so fast. She couldn't help but act cool.

Becky's physical condition was growing worse. Now she was vomiting blood very often. Suddenly there was sound of a metal hitting. Freen goes outside as Becky goes unconscious. Deek also goes outside putting Sani to deep slumber. Freen sees Deek as they both follow the voice ahead. Freen takes her steps slowly. Deek follows her. As they reach the exact centre of the palace they saw a black shadow. Very dark which had no face no posture or anything except that it was a very sinful spirit.

Freen could feel negative vibes though it. She made Deek behind her and stood erect to the spirit in front of them. They were just 10feet away from it. Deek whispered to Freen, "No Freen don't we should go back it's not a good one..!"

Before she could finish the spirit vanished and the loud sound of Sani was heard. Deek finches and ran towards the room. She felt so scared and horrified. She was tensed and worried about Sani. They ran so swiftly to her room. And what they saw took their soul out. Becky fully possessed with spirit held Sani through her neck and pressed her to the walls raising her from the ground. Freen tried to go near her but no she couldn't. Deek tried to push Becky's hand away from Sani's neck but the grip was so tight.

Sani's breath caught in her throat, her chest tight with panic as she struggled to comprehend the terrifying events unfolding before her. But they all heard a very powerful chants of hanuman chalisa from a women's voice. She chanted it loud and clear making Becky to loosen the grip and Sani immediately fell on ground.

Deek's hands trembled as she clung to Sani, her mind filled with a mix of protectiveness and dread for what lay ahead. Deek held Sani tightly and helped her breath. She gave her water.

The women chanted the chalisa very loud and clear. Making Becky scream in pain. Her voice wasn't soft anymore. Double voice could be heard it's of the spirits inside her. Now it wasn't just a single spirit but more acquired in her body and each one fighting for the dominance of other. Making Becky's own soul go somewhere in the dark!

The women made Becky calm by her chants and Becky fell on the ground. She was then locked in the room tied to her bed. No one should go near her that what the women said.

Deek looked at the women and hugged her tightly and thanked her. She said, "Thank you so much Ani. Thank you for saving her."

The women hugged back Deek and calmed her. Freen and Sani looked at them confused. Sani became a bit furious on their relationship. She had a crush on Deek and the hug with that woman made her heart slam against her chest making her furious on who that women was.

As they broke the hug they had small tears in the eyes. Freen said, "Hey Deek who is she?"

Deek wiped her tears and said, "Oh she's my sister. I mean my sister from another mother. Her name is Anisha."

Sani sighed in relief and said "Oh sister ok."

Freen said, "Miss Anisha what will happen to my Becky will she be alright why did we tie her up. Why have we locked her?"

Freen's heart raced with fear and determination, torn between her love for Becky and the overwhelming danger that surrounded them. Anisha said, "Oh Freen don't need to be formal. Well about Becky she's not here anymore she has reached the word of spirit. Only her body is here. We have to bring her from there but it's near to impossible!"

Freen said "But not impossible right?"

Anisha remained calm and then said "Freen it's not as easy as you think, someone has to sacrifice their life for that. If u want to get her back someone has to go to her place!"

Freen said "Ok I'll go. I'll take the pain but not her."

Anisha said "Freen!"

Deek said "Freen I know you love her but you can't risk your life and I won't let you do this!"


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