11. Spirits grip: Freen's dilemma

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The four of them sat opposite to each other. Freen and Becky on one hand and Deek and Sani on the other. Sani not leaving Deek side. Becky still struggling herself. Freen comforting her in every way possible. Freen was so much affected by this. She had promised Becky's mom to take care of her. But now Becky was struggling. Something inside Freen was so hurt.

Hurt to see Becky in that state. She feels herself responsible for that. Becky's condition was not so good. Becky's once vibrant eyes were now pools of darkness, devoid of any warmth or recognition. Her features contorted into a grotesque mask, twisted by Anil's influence. Becky nerves could be seen everywhere in her body. Her face seemed to be very scary. Upon seeing Becky in that state Sani was so scared she hugged Deek immediately not bothering about the surroundings.

Deek's heart started to beat crazily. Sani felt a deep trauma of the horrific look in front of her. Deek wasting no time took her to her room. Sani was having trouble breathing. Deek made her drink water and Sani relaxed . She was so tired that she fell unconscious on the bed.

Deek couldn't help but comfort her. She tapped her head and tried to calm her. Sani whispered in her sleep, "Don't leave me." She took Deek's hand and hugged it in her neck. Deek felt weird but didn't leave her side. At last she slept beside her cuddling.

Becky was so out of control. Anil's soul finally won. Becky's eyes were fully black. Anyone on seeing her could say she was being possessed. Her face looked very scary . But Freen wasn't scared but concerned on her. Unknowingly, Freen was falling for Becky. Freen's heart clenched at the sight of Becky's fragile form, her breaths shallow and erratic. Tears blurred her vision as she whispered desperate pleas for Becky's return.

She hugged Becky tightly and said, "Beck you can do it. Come back . Don't let Anil harm you. Come back Becky I can't loose you. I have to save you. 'I LOVE YOU'" with that sudden confession Becky's soul came back. Becky mumbled, "I love you Freen. But Anil wants you too. We both do." Becky immediately became unconscious.

Freen cried seeing Becky in that state. Yes Freen had grown a lot of feelings on Becky by now. She loved her a lot. She confessed it and got it to be sure. Now she'll fight for her. Fight to get back her energetic Becky. Freen took Becky to their room and made her lay on the bed.

Alone in the dimly lit corridor, Freen sank to her knees, her mind a whirlwind of guilt and fear. How had things spiraled out of control so quickly? Each passing second felt like an eternity as she grappled with the weight of responsibility. She thought deeply how Becky was possessed? Why is Anil's soul still here? Where is Pin's soul? Why Anil wants to possess my Becky? Why?

Freen remembered that she left the book half way down in the garden. She thought the book was taken by Deek so she went to her room. Seeing Deek and Sani clinging and sleeping together made Freen remember Becky on their first night sleeping together when they arrived here.

Freen saw the book laying on the desk beneath. She took the book and went to the corridor. She started to read the next part.

In the past, soon Anil and Pin was caught at there usually make out place. Anil and Pin was kissing each other hungrily when the king arrived.
King became so mad that he wanted to execute Pin at the spot. He dragged Pin to the underground jail where executions take place. Anil begged for mercy for her father but the guards held her. Anil fought but it didn't work.

Finally Pin was executed, her blood spill everywhere. Even on Anil who was shocked and couldn't move. The pain was unbearable. She became silent and finally the guards released her. She couldn't move a inch. Her world was collapsed!

A week passed but Anil didn't drink or eat anything. Uncle Anon the cook of the palace came to her room. A joyful princess has now became silent and the cook couldn't see that. He bought her the food but she didn't eat it.

Soon the maids who always took care of Anil and few of her friends in the palace and the cook Anon. Everyone together committed suicide. King upon hearing this was sad but he still lived.

All of them who dead became spirits they started to kill everyone who made Anil and Pin get caught by the king and soon the kingdom turned haunted!

Freen eyes filled with tears. She didn't know but it hurt her a lot. She dropped the book and remembered her book. It was the book of possessions. Freen wiped her tears and went into the room to get the book. Freen now looked at the book in her hand. She went out of the room and turned the pages to chapter of "Renaissance and possessions."

It said "If you're a renaissance of someone and you go to their place and you get hurt and you're blood dips to the ground of that place than it's possible that the soul gets out and start to posses you. It wants your body because it thinks it could leave again with a same face. It'll start to possess you and your behaviour starts to change initially. You start to act like them and talk like them. Further the possessions grows the person starts to get scary and weird. The person may start to talk very weirdly and strangely . As it comes to the last and fun stage. The person may start to die. The blood coming out of the mouth. Hurting themselves. And lastly kill themselves."

Freen's eyes filled with tears again. No she can't leave Becky die because of her. No she'll save Becky at any cost. She'll take care of her. She turned few more pages but the solution for the problem wasn't written anywhere. God! How is she going to save Becky? How can she move her out of possession.

She sat there hitting her head coursing herself for not taking proper care of Becky. She wanted to keep her safe. She wanted to keep her far from the spirits. But ended up making her possessed.


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