Chapter two

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Chapter 2

Amelia's POV

When the lift pings and the voice says "floor 3" my stomach flips and I take a deep breath. I smile at the man in the lift and step out into a cirular room with a desk and sofas in the middle and ten doors each with a chair outside them around the edge. I find room number 34 and sit in the comfy chair outside, folding my hands in my lap. When I hear a door open to my left my head snaps up to see a tall, buff man in a navy suit smiling down at me. I quickly stand up and reach out a tiny, and slightly shaking, hand to the man and introduce myself, "Hello, I'm Amelia Grange, its a pleasure to meet you."

The man, who must be Mr Rob Saunders, grabs my hand in his, shakes and replies, "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Grange." he gestures inside. "Please, come in. After reading your CV I've been excited to meet you." I can't help but blush at his comment and mutter a quick thankyou then take a seat across from him. 

"Well Miss Grange, I want to ask you what you can bring to Crofts Ltd.?" He asks with a blank face making me even more nervous. I clear my throat and reply in a confident voice.

"Sir, I will be able to bring my passion. I love all things science related and I am excited by the prospect of working with and developing new, life changing technology. If I get this job I will work extremely hard to do my part in ensuring Crofts Ltd.s finalcial and global success." Satisfied with my answer, I see that Mr Saunders is smiling. 

"I'm extremely pleased to inform you that you got the job. We've been interviewing for this position for what seems like years and Mr Crofts has been very... picky. Once he saw your CV he asked me to interview you and if I thought you were the one then I must hire you immediately! Welcome!" I couldn't stop smiling. I'm sure I looked like a happy idiot but thats exactly what I was. I got the fricking job!!!

"Thankyou, thankyou so much!" If I didn't have company right now I'd be doing a little happy dance.

"Will you be able to start work immediately?" Mr Saunders asks.

"Sure, I can't wait to get started." I reply and he gives me a genuine smile before asking me to follow him out. He leads me out into the massive circular room again and then back into the lifts.

"So you probably already know that the first floor is our welcome and Reception floor, we also have our own cafe and waiting rooms. The second floor is Mr Crofts, his offices and arcives are there. The third floor is individual offices, mostly dedicated to finances, admin and employment. You will mainly be located on the fourth floor. This is where you sign in and out, and you will have your own office. The fifth floor has a cafeteria and mail room. Then the 6 to 11th floors are dedicated to research. Lastly the 12th floor is an open air recreational space that can be rented out for parties but is mainly used by people during their lunch breaks."

Wow. That was a lot to take in but as we get in the lift and Mr Saunders presses the fourth button I already feel at home. When we reach the fourth floor Mr Saunders walks up to a desk where a ginger haired, freckle-faced woman is sitting. She is stunning and I can tell by the way she looks at Mr Saunders that they are mates. He kisses her cheek and then introduces me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Amelia, please call me Shelly, I can tell we are going to get along just great!" I smile at her, I can tell she's right, not only is she the type of person who is happy all the time but she also seems genuinely kind.

"Nice to meet you, Shelly, I think you're right."

Mr Saunders coughs and shakes his head at us. "I guess I'll leave you two too it. Call me if you need anything." With a slight wave he leaves back through the lift.

"Now, I'll show you your office, follow me." I follow and as we walk down a long corridor I learn that Shelly does not stop talking. Her favourite colour is pink, she has two cats, is two months pregnant and I was right, she is mated to the beta of the Night Pack, Rob Saunders.
"Here we are, I'll let you get settled. If you turn on your computer (an apple mac, seriously they must be fricking loaded) your email is already set up. See you for lunch in an hour?"

"Sure, I'd love that." I smile at her.

She beams, "Great I'll come by and get you." With a final smile and wave she leaves, letting me get used to my new office. Its well decorated in creams and light timbers with large windows and a few pot plants. I walk over to the desk and open the computer. Immediately it pings and I see 30 emails already.... Well, that was quick!

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