Chapter sixteen

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Chapter 16

Bella's POV

There is darkness all around me. Even when I open my eyes there is darkness. The only way I know that I'm still alive is by the cold wall against my back and the pounding in my head. I wish that death would engulf we already so I don't have to endure this pain. It wouldn't be so bad; I'd be with mummy and I would be able to talk to vikings, Queen Elizabeth 1... and even the moon goddess! The only thing that worries me about death is what I would leave behind. I wouldn't want to leave my pack, my friends and even my future mate, who would feel the pain of my death even without us meeting.

Suddenly I hear footsteps and a voice in the distance. A door on the far side of the cell-like room creaks open and light floods in, causing me to flinch and shut my eyes.

When I reopen my eyes, I can see the silhouette of a man followed by a woman I vaguely recognise. The man comes within a foot of me and breaths heavily with breath that smells of onions and garlic. I can't see his face because of the lighting from behind but when he speaks I realise he is probably middle aged and ill. He speeks with the slur and smell of a rouge so this, and his words make me realise I'm in more poo than I originally hoped.

Amelia's POV

As soon as I found out Bella was missing I went into full Luna mode. I ordered trackers to sniff out the room and the surrounding woods. I made the pack guards check the room for finger prints and I got the pack doctor to test the blood stains. 

The results were even more shocking than the events of this morning and, as I open the letters whilst curled up in Damien's arms, I swear I almost fainted. 

The trackers found nothing out of the ordinary. The only scents on the territory were pack members or the few authorised rogues that live in harmony with us. However from the dreadful note, I knew it was a rogue; either an authorised or unauthorised but a rogue and a serious threat none the less.

The finger prints were also a bust as the only finger prints found were from pack members or people that had used the room in the past six months. As this was usually a guest room, people from personal friends, such as Damien's family and my friend Isla, to visiting authorities, such as elders and alphas, had used it and all of which had finger prints found all over the room. 

Finally the blood test gave the connecting results and therefore the answers. Surprisingly the blood did not come from Bella but instead an older woman. The pack doctors were able to confirm that the blood was from a female werewolf, between the ages of 17 and 25. As the pack has all of its members blood types on the database the blood could not belong to any of those. Damien made a few calls to Luna's that had used the room in the past two months to ask what blood group they were but the test matched neither of them so there was only one option left.

I think I knew it a while ago. I just didn't want to admit it. It was so clear but I was trying to ignore the obvious facts because I cared about them too much. Obviously the feelings were not mutual as in return for my kindness and generosity she took away someone that I truly cared about. Unfortunately she knows that I would give up my life for Bella, and this is probably going to be my weakness.


Bella's POV 

"Ah, you're awake. Now take note little girl... I want you to contact your alpha, through the mind link, and tell them that I won't hand you over until they bring me either the luna as a wife or the pack and land for my army."


Whoooo shit just got real, sorry it's so short but this was just a warm up chapter before things get really intense. If you thought this was crazy and scary, I wish you luck for the next few chapters!! 

I find making time to write extremely difficult at the moment so bare with me whist I sort my life out and look forward to more frequent updates during the Christmas holidays!

Thanks so so much for your support and I absolutely loved some of the reactions to Bella being taken in the previous chapter! My favourite was from @Queenbilly who said "If bells dies ima go on a skittles binge u meany"

I'm so sorry, but please if you can find it in your heart to forgive me I would love to binge on skittles too. 

Emily xxxxxx

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