Chapter twenty-three

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Chapter 23

Amelia's POV

As soon as we entered the pack house, I followed the wolves carrying my mate and Bella straight to the pack hospital. Once there the doctors tried to usher me out but I growled and bared my teeth - if they think I'm leaving Damien before I know he's safe they've got another thing coming!

As I watched them hook him up to various machines and bandage the wound they looked around nervously. I needed to know what was going on. Why were they looking at each other as if searching for a solution?!

I calmed my wolf and shifted back, noticing a pile of clothes on the chair next to me which I slipped on. 

"How is he doc? Please help him, I need him." I was on the edge of tears again and it took so much strength to make my voice come out strong. Again the doctors looked round at each other before one I recognised as the most senior turned to me.

"I'm afraid your mate has lost a lot of blood. I don't think he's going to make it through the night." He said this all the while avoiding eye contact with me. I let out a sob. This can't be happening, I'm going to wake up any second and none of this will have been real.

"You can't be serious?! Aren't you going to help him?! Give him a blood transfusion?" I was desperate. I would do anything at this point, even if it meant selling my soul to the devil or giving my own life, Damien will survive.

"We can't give an Alpha, non-alpha blood or else he'll die immediately; his body will reject it, painfully." The nurse next to him said in a tone that I suppose was meant to calm me!

I didn't even need to think, as the words - "Take my blood!? I'm a Luna, that's the same blood right?!" Left my mouth. I saw the all the doctors look at the senior guy again. Please say it's possible, was all I was able to think.

He looked at me, but I could tell he was lost in thought. "Give me 10 minutes, whilst I check the archives. I wouldn't want to put you at risk for it to be futile."

I understood this, and it seemed like a mini-victory amongst the pain and anguish of the past few days. However I knew the one thing we were lacking was time.

Bella's POV

I can hear beeping. I can't feel my limbs. I feel really hot but can't do anything to cool down. These beeps keep getting louder and I feel a tingly sensation all over my body. 

The tingles turn to pain and I can hear a screaming noise. 

I can tell there's a bright light outside my closed eye lids but I can't open them. I'm trying not to focus on the pain as the screaming continues. 

I realise I'm the one screaming, but I can't stop because the pain is so intense. I try really hard to open my eyes. 

I manage to pry my eye lids open and am flooded with blinding light. Just then men and women in white coats rush into the room and I see one grab a long needle looking thing. 

I try to open my mouth to say no but I'm still screaming. I try to shake my head but the slight movement causes me to choke from the pain. It's all too much. 

The lady with the needle ignores my attempts to dissuade her and I feel a prick in my upper arm. Tingles spread from my arm to the rest of my body and I feel the pain subside. I manage to take a deep breath and sigh in relief as my eyelids flutter closed again.

Amelia's POV

The 10 minute wait seemed like 10 hours. I can honestly say those were the most nerve racking minutes of my life, even in comparison to the days I spent looking for Damien. When the doctors all rushed out to check Bella I was able to take Damien's limp hand in mine and pray that the goddess was looking down on them both. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the doctor bursting through the door. I looked up to see him whip his brow then sit beside me. He looked at me with sad, tired eyes. "How's Bella? Please tell me she's ok?"

"She's going to be fine. She wasn't we underestimated the mess she was on so she woke in a lot of pain but she's stable and we know from her reaction that, apart from a lot of broken bones and malnutrition she is well on the road to recovery."

I was able to breath a sigh of relief when I heard that, although what she went through was rough to say the least she will make a full recovery. "And what about my Damien?" I said, not able to look the doctor in the eye in fear of being disappointed. 

"Luna, would you like the good news or the bad news first?"

"Good news please." This better be good.

"I'm happy to carry out the blood transfusion. You have the correct blood type and I'm sure it will mean he is able to recover in no time!" Oh my goddess he's going to be ok! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel that is the past few days struggle. I have hope that this will all be over soon.

"And what's the bad news...?" I honestly didn't want to ask.

"Ah. There's a small risk you'll lose the baby." My heart stopped. I had almost forgotten I was pregnant considering all that had happened recently. However I knew this was a risk I was willing to take. I wouldn't be able to live without Damien let alone look after a child.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take. Damien must survive."


Tadaaaa! I'm back ! So sorry that it's taken almost a year but I hope this is worth it. Sorry again for the cliff hanger but I figured u would want a quick update rather than waiting for me to write a chap with a decent ending so here you go! Hope you enjoy and leave feed back - also I hope to update more frequently so stay tuned cxxxxxx

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