Chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15

Amelia's POV

I woke up to a small hand poking my face and giggling in my ear. When my eyes fluttered open Damien was no longer next to me but instead was replaced by Bella. When she noticed I was finally awake she stopped poking me and shouted too loud in my precious morning ears that "the monster has awoken!".

I whipped out a hand covering her mouth so she couldn't damage my hearing further telling her to be quiet as she tried speaking whilst my hand was still in place. After a few precious moments of peace Bella thought it would be a good idea to lick my hand, obviously I let her go at that and she ran down the stairs screaming. I chuckled but got out of bed, partly because I could smell the bacon and pancakes and partly because it was already 11am and they would be gone soon. My hunger led me down the stairs and into an almost empty kitchen; Bella was sitting at the kitchen bar colouring in a picture of a pony and Rob, Damien's beta was cooking pancakes whilst Shelley stared at him with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Hey Shelley," I said sitting next to her. No response. I clicked my fingers in front of her face. No response. I got up walked over to Rob and placed my hand on his shoulder. A jealous growl came out of Shelley's mouth. "Finally!" I said taking my hand back immediately, "Now that you have stopped eye raping your man you can answer my question."

"Sure whatever idiot," she replied glaring with amusement in her eyes.

"Where's Damien and-" I started but was cut off.

"Of course that would be the first question you'd ask!" She sent me a sligh wink.

"Give a girl a break! And what's the plan for today?" As today was a Saturday I was free to do whatever and have girly time with Shelley.

"Damien's at the guard house on the boarder, he's trying to work out how rouges got in and if anyone could track them." Rob replied instead, he's always so business.

"Thanks Rob, smells good by the way." I reply and look at Shelley.

"Well I want to get my nails done..?" Yesssss! I knew I loved this girl.

"Brilliant same! It's a plan." I walked over to where Bella was sitting, in her own little world. "Her girl, how are you today? Apart from being naughty and licking my hand that is!" She looked over to me with tears in her eyes.

"Mummy's not coming back," she said, her lip trembling.

I hugged her as she cried on my shoulder whilst I whispered soothing things in her ear. I couldnt lie but I could tell her that I will make sure she is ok.

As she stopped crying and just sniffed and hiccuped I asked her if she wanted to come and get her nails done.
She looked up and smiled before nodding. Shelley handed her a tissue to blow her nose on and she went to go put on a pretty dress.

I sighed. I truly felt bad for Bella and how little I could do to help. However we can only do what is within our ability and I am definitely able to get Bella a little distracted from the issue at hand.

We set off just after twelve and when we arrived at the shops they were as busy as they are usually on a saturday. However we got appointments straight away, I'm thinking its a luna perk, and we all chose colours (Bella pink, Shelley orange and I white). Just as we were relaxing and people watching a familiar face walked by the front window. Seconds later she walked through the door of the salon and I realised it was Isla... I swear she always knows where I am!?

Hi guys, fancy seeing you here! Who's the little princess though?"
Bella piped up immediately loving the compliments"My name is Bella"

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl! My name's Isla"

She leaned in close to Bella and I saw Bella's smile falter. I heard the word 'mother' but didnt think much of it as news always spreads quickly within a pack.
Just as Isla was saying she had to go she looked at Bella and said "I hope to see you very soon. Bye guys!" With a smile and a wave she was out of sight.


Bella didnt cry again and we all had beautiful nails and a nice bonding girl day. Unfortunately the next day didnt pick up in the same mood.

I was awoken at 8am by Sheeley screaming and when I followed the sound to Bella's room I smelt blood.

Bella was no where to be seen and the only thing out of place was a trail of blood and a short note:

This is all your fault. Never trust a rouge.

Ok I know I've been MIA but GCSEs are killing me and urgh I try ok! I hope you enjoyed it and arw looking forward to the (hopefully more frequent) updates! I love u all xxxxx ♥♥

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