Chapter ten

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Chapter 10

Damien's POV 

Since Amelia left to go to her office I've been planning our date. The first date is what matters most so this has to be perfect. 

At 5 I phone Amelia's office. "Hi beautiful, are you ready to go home?" 

I could practically hear her blush through the phone at my pet name for her, "Yep, shall I meet you in the lobby in 10?" 

"Sure babe, see you soon." I hang up after I hear a "bye" and then phone my secretary, Joselyn. 

"Hi Joselyn, can you cancel all my meetings and appointments for tomorrow and Sunday?" I want to take Amelia away. 

"Sure thing, anything else you need me to do?" 

"No, that will be all, have a nice weekend."

"You too, sir." Hanging up I grab my briefcase and blazer, rushing down to see my mate again. 

When I arrive in the lobby I see my mate standing there looking so delicious I can't help but walk up to her and put my nose in her neck. I inhale her amazing scent and kiss her smooth skin before whispering, "I missed you."

I felt her chuckle more than I heard it as she replied, "It's only been 4 hours!"

I kiss her neck one last time and look her in the eye. "4 hours too long, babe."

She laughs at me and takes my hand in hers before leading us out of the building and to my car.

I drive quickly and before I know it we are outside her block of flats. As she goes to open her door I stop her. "Wait babe. I need you to pack an overnight bag 'cause we are going on a date tonight. I'll be round at 7, does that give you long enough to pack?" 

"Err yeah I guess but seriously, a little more notice would have been nice, Damien! Are you going to tell me where we're going so I know what to pack?" She replies, and I can tell she's already excited.

"Nope it's a surprise, but you will need comfy clothing and a bathing suit."

"Ok, see you later babe, I need to pack!" She reaches for the door handle again but I grab her hand. As she looks at me I quickly crash our lips together. 

"See you soon." She leaves and as I watch her walk up to the door I can tell she has added just a little more swing in her hips. When she reaches the door she stops to wink at me before going inside, man she doesn't know what she does to me!


Amelia's POV

Holy fricking bacon muffins. We're going on a date. And staying over. And I need a bathing suit. And I only have 1 hour and 23 minutes and 12 seconds to pack all my shit. Help me Jesus.

Taking deep breaths I grab my small suitcase and put in a cute summer dress and heels, in case he takes me somewhere fancy. A white one piece (on cover) and a pink and blue floral high waisted  bikini. Some underwear which I made sure would match and look nice *wink wink* and a pair of jeans, tees and a jumper and all my toiletries and makeup. I also changed out of my work clothes and into some black yoga pants and a checked shirt that I stole from Damien. 

I heard the shrill ring of the door bell, grabbed my bag and handbag and speed walked to the front door making sure I could sneak out before Maddy stopped me and made sure we had condoms. 

"Hi there, you look beautiful... Wait is that my shirt?" Damien looked at me with lust then humour.

"Wow would you look at that, I guess it is!" I faked innocence as he pulled me towards his sleek black car. He took my bag and put it in the boot with his.

"Well I guess you'll just have to return it later tonight baby." I saw his smirk as my cheeks went crimson. 

"We'll see, drive us wherever the hell we're going first and then I'll decide if I want to be kind." I had a smirk of my own and I saw a challenging look in Damien's eye but he didn't say anything more and just glided his beautiful car onto the motorway. 

Finally, after at least 2 hours in the car, we pulled into a small seaside village. Damien stopped the car, as the sun was beginning to set, outside a cottage which looked like it had come straight out of a fairytale. It had roses in the garden, a beach for a back yard and a fountain that gave me an impression of the eccentric interior I was about to be greeted by. 

I couldn't wait to explore but the sea looked way too appealing right now so I got out the car and grabbed my bag. As I was running up to the front door I shouted back to Damien, "Give me 10 minutes to change, we're going swimming baby!"

I heard him chuckle but I was already in the bathroom (which was white and gold and abolutely stunning) and stripping off. I changed into my bikini before grabbing a towel and running down to the beach. Damien was already wading in the water when I reached him and seriously he looked great. His golden skin was glowing in the evening sun and the water droplets seemed to travel down the ridges of his muscles. I was standing there staring for a second until I heard him say, "Are you finished staring?"

I flushed red immediately and murmured, "no... yes! Maybe?"

He chuckled and replied; "Don't worry babe, carry on. Cause I am so not finished staring at you...." He licked his lips and at that moment I was not self conscience about the fact I was only wearing a sliver of clothing, but instead I felt his love and his lips on mine. It was a brief kiss as I splashed him in the face and proceeded to swim out of his grasp.

I heard him laugh and the splashing sounds of his chasing me. He grabbed onto my waist and pulled me back to him. He stared into my eyes and seriously I got completely lost in his. But suddenly I felt cold air on my boobs and looked around to see Damien had unclipped my bikini top and was now holding it above his head. 

Lord help me, if I didn't love this man he'd be in such deep shit right now.

OMG 2K reads and over 100 votes! Did I tell you I loved you guys? I purposefully made this chapter extra long as a Thankyou. The offer for dedicated chapters is still open just comment and I shall dedicate as long as you haven't already got one. Love you all cxxxxxxxx

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