Chapter nineteen

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Chapter 19

Amelia's POV

I didn't want to wake up. If I woke up I'd notice the empty bed to my left.
I heard a knock on the door and curled over so I didn't have to face her. I heard Shelley come in and close the door behind her, then the bed would dip and she'd stroke my hair like everyday for the past weeks. Today was different from the normal day though because, instead of just sitting, asking if I was hungry and leaving a sandwich on the bedside table she stayed and took her hand back. With her arms crossed over her chest she glared at me and I could feel the daggers through the comfy warm blanket that still vaguely smelled of him.

"What do you want Shelley. Please just leave if you're not going to say anything." I pleaded. I really just wanted to stay in bed, trying to get into the mate link that Damien had blocked me out of the day he left.

"No. This has gone on too long." I heard her sigh and had to resist the urge to sigh also. "You're a strong, independent woman that doesn't need to mope around all day when she has a pack she needs to run! I know I don't know what you're going through at the moment because my mate is still here-"

"Don't rub it in." I muttered.
She ignored me and continued saying, "you are so incredibly selfish. The pack needs their Luna and no one is able to relax when you are here crying your eyes out every night. Pull yourself together or the pack suffers." With that said she got up and left slamming the door behind her.

I was stunned. No one had ever been so blunt with me but when I thought about everything she said it all made sense. I was selfish and right now I need to put on my big girl pants and be the Luna the pack needs.

Damien's POV

We had been in combat for almost a month now. I missed my mate but I knew that I I thought about her it would distract me. That's why I haven't opened the mind link, and also because I don't want to her to suffer or worry about me.

I watched as a wolf came to attack me from behind but I whipped around at the last minute, biting through its neck and watching it go limp. All around me lay dead bodies, half in wolf form and half man. It was disgusting and I didn't want my mate seeing this.

A cry from my left alerted me that one of my pack members had found a way into the lair. I could see the tiny door now uncovered from the bush. This was our chance, whilst everyone was still fighting we could rescue her!

Amelia's POV

When I came down the stairs the place was eerily quiet. The building was no longer filled with laughter but instead, when I walked into the living room, everyone was sitting still, not talking and staring blankly off at the TV.

No one even noticed my entrance and I had to clear my throat for people to just look up. This was worse than I could ever have imagined.

"Hello everyone!" I smiled, hoping to raise the spirits but in return just received a few groans.

I looked at Shelley and she gave me a sad smile from the corner nearest the TV before turning her eyes back to it. I needed to make a change.

I walked over to the TV and switched it off (receiving another chorus of groans) and stood in the middle of the room with my hands on my hips. "Okay listen up folks, this has gone on too long." I looked at Shelley then cast my eyes over everyone in the room. They were awaiting my next words eagerly. "I can't begin to explain how sorry I am for deserting you all, but now I'm back we are going to run this pack so that when everyone returns we don't look like a bunch of pussies!!" A few members cheered and stood up. "We need to train. Everyone between the ages 16-30 must collect on the front lawn in 10 minutes. Anyone not attending and without a valid excuse will be living in the dungeons until I deem fit." Everyone who this applied to quickly stood up and shuffled out to get their workout clothes on. When Shelley walked past she gave me a subtle fistbump and whispered 'you go girl' in my ear, I couldn't help but smile and promised myself that I would thank her for my reality check later. "Women above 30 will assemble the children in the grand hall and begin training them up in self defense and agility." Again they shuffled out. "Finally the men will assemble in the study and look over a plan I made of areas that need repair. Once these have been accomplished send someone to me for the new plan I have made for a dojo/training head quarter. It has come to my attention that no one except the warriors have any idea how to fight or protect themselves and this must change. Any day we could have an attack and there would be no way for us to win. Things are changing and we need to be prepared. Everyone dismissed."

The final people walked out and I was left in an empty room. I walked up to the Alpha office and as soon as I opened the door I noticed huge piles of invoices, reports and bank statements. If this pack was going to survive I needed to role my sleeves up and get my hands dirty.

Damien's POV

We were in. I couldn't believe our luck as we walked down the empty halls but as we turned the corner we all stopped. The room was empty apart from a dentist style chair with Bella sitting asleep on it, looking like she hasn't been fed in days. There were bruises allover her naked body and a single tear slipped out my eye.

I heard footsteps coming from the left side of the room. It was dark but I could make out two figures. The female walked into the light and I recognised her as Isla, a now ex-friend of Amelia's. Next the male spook and I could have sworn I recognised the voice. "Well hello. It took you long enough, didn't it?"


Hope you liked it! Sorry again for my sloth-slow updates but I am a busy woman. Love you allll xxxx

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