Chapter eighteen

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Chapter 18

Amelia's POV

Today we heard back from the spy. Today we found out the kidnappers have an army. Today Damien made the decision to enter the lair, initiate war and get Bella back -Tomorrow morning.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by large, warm hands kneading the knots in my shoulders. I'm so incredibly tired, stressed and cramped from sitting over maps and plans for the past two days that I hadn't even noticed how much I desperately needed to relax. The hands continued their heavenly handwork (no pun intended) and I let out a loud sigh of content. This is how my life should be right now, stress free and calm. Not worried sick that the girl I care about like my own daughter is somewhere cold and dark being abused and scared. 

I assure her in an attempt to mind link her that we are coming for her and that she will be safe anytime soon but it doesn't work, she is either too injured to be at one with her wolf or she is blocking us out for some reason.

My mate behind me stops working his magic on my shoulders and I let out a whimper of annoyance. When I turn around to complain he is already looking at me with adoration that I can't help to smile back... And for a brief moment I forget all my worries. "Why did you stop?" 

Instead of a response I receive a slight shrug of the shoulders and am then pulled flush against him where he wastes no time in placing his warm, plump lips on mine. I give in to the kiss immediately and sigh again from content but due to a different cause. When we break away for a breather I look into his eyes and see pure love. We rest our foreheads against eachother and I start to think. 

This might be the last time I see Damien in a week or so as he attacks the kidnappers' lair. (Obviously he wouldn't allow me to fight despite my many attempts to persuade him.) "Let's do something special, I don't know when we'll get the chance to again and we have the whole evening to spend-" my rambling is cut off by Damien grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me into another kiss, although this one is shorter (notice my sadness!) 

"I'd love to, baby, what do you have in mind?" After he said that I began to think. I haven't let my wolf out in so long. We haven't had a movie night in ages. We haven't had time to just sit and chat about unimportant things. I tell him these and he agrees immediately, and we walk hand in hand, down the stairs into the back garden.

No one else is about. Everyone is either preparing for the rade tomorrow or finishing their neglected work, so we strip off on the patio, fold our clothes up and shift into our wolves. I had forgotten how beautiful my mate's wolf was. Pure, midnight black and so big he would scare a full size bear. The sunset caught his fur and made it shimmer and look so incredibly soft and magical that I could help but nuzzle my wolf amount into his warm fur. He returned the loving gesture and I mind linked him "I love you" and got a reply "I love you too baby," within seconds of mine. 

Before I can say anything else my wolf pushes me towards the woods, so I shoot off with Damien close on my tail. "Catch me if you can!" I shout without turning my head to look at him and instead push my wolf to run faster. I love the chase, zipping between trees and listening to the litter patter of our paws sounding in sync. I receive a Wolfy laugh in reply as Damien also speeds up and I admit that the competitive side definitely came out. I took shaper turns, zig zagged more, jumped over logs and pushed branches behind me so they would hit my love right in the face.

The chase lasted for about ten minutes before my legs slowed down and Damien, who is fit despite the amount he eats, began gaining on me. I attempt a final push but a second too late as I find myself flying through the air all of a sudden with Damien wrapping his legs around me. He turns so that he falls on his back with me lying on top of him and I can't help but laugh as we both breath heavily. 

I so desperately want to kiss him. My wolf is tired so I decide to shift back. Immediately I feel the cold, dusk air against my bare back and the warm plush fur against my front. He engulfs my 5,4 frame, it's like hugging a massive teddy bear and it can only be described as absolute bliss. 


When we arrive back at the house I shift into my human form and quickly clothe myself. As I'm pulling my t-shirt down Damien wraps his arms around mine, causing my arms to be held up in the air and my bra to be on full display to him. His bare torso is pressed into my back and his face is by my ear. "That bra looks like it's getting too small, babe" he whispers huskily in my ear. I shiver, but not from the cold. When I look down I see he's right. Either I'm generally growing, getting fat or getting pregnant. I had my last period 3 weeks ago so I don't think anything's out of the ordinary... I'm probs just getting fat... But we haven't been using protection... But I love him so what happens, happens.

"What do you want me to do about it?" I say to him. He nibbles on my earlobe and kisses my neck and mark.

"Well we could start with you taking this one off... And while your at it you might as well take off the rest of your clothes. And then you could model some of your other bras... Or we could just have sex. Or we could watch that documentry you had in mind, but if I'm honest I don't really feel like it right now." He whispers in my ear.

I moan. Truthfully I really want to watch the movie but now is not the time. I'm far too horny and I won't get any Damien time for a while... I can always make Shelley watch "Dolphins. The magestic royal family of the ocean." Some other time...


Thanks to all my supportive readers, love you all. Hope you liked this, I tried to have a break from the plot and spoil you all with some Damien + Amelia time. Once Bella is saved there shall be a lot more of this quality time ;) ;) hope everyone had a great Xmas and new year xxxxx

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