Chapter eight

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Chapter 8

Damien's POV

What is she doing to me?! I swear every time I think about her I get a boner... Not fun. After she pulled her little stunt I did have to shower but the smell of bacon and my mate pulled me down stairs before I had gotten changed. In just my boxers I walk into the kitchen to a glorious sight. My girl, cooking, in my clothes, for me. Praise the Lord!

I wrap my arms around her and she instantly relaxes into my touch whist flipping a piece of the salty pig butt. I massage her stomach and when my hand brushes against her boob she gasps and I notice she isn't wearing a bra. Damien Jr. is out and she obviously notices it against her butt because she tenses up. "Go sit down whilst I finish cooking." She says giving me a wink. But I do as I'm told and stare at her beautiful round butt.

When she finishes she places a plate piled high with delicious smelling pancakes and bacon. I drench them in maple syrup and start digging in. When Amelia sits down I notice she hasn't got a plate of food and instead is just drinking coffee. "Beautiful, why aren't you eating?" I ask tenderly. She blushes and looks away from me. Reaching over, I lift her head to make her look at me. "Tell me Amelia." She shakes her head. My wolf growls and I start to shake.

I stand up with clenched fist and am about to let out my anger on the wall when I hear; "I want to be slimmer." I stop, take a deep breath and walk around to where Amelia is sitting. 

"Stand up" She does but still doesn't look at me. I look at her, and she looks at her tummy too. "Obviously we are seeing two different things. I see a beautiful, healthy women with curves that I want to run my hands over, kiss and cherish." I saw her raise her eyes and noticed them watering slightly. I whipped away a stray tear, "To be honest with you I think I'd miss them if you lost weight." She chuckled and I saw a her smile. 

"I may need a little more convincing, but ok. I won't diet whilst you're around." She smiles and pecks my lips.

"Thankyou, now let's get some real food down you." I sat down and pulled my mate down on my lap. She gasped and I chuckled, placing one hand on her waist and grabbing a fork full of bacon and pancakes I feed her, making sure to get a little maple syrup on her chin. 

"Ok you want to play that game!?" She asks and I try to give her an innocent face but it doesn't work. To her I'm an open book. She took the fork off of me and gathered an extra large helping. As it came close to my chin/mouth it all fell off onto my chest. I gave her a 'game-on' look. 

"You are so dead." She jumped up quickly, running as fast as her long, soft legs could carry her. 

"Only if you can catch me!" She called back.

"Oh I will, and when I do you will regret ever making me sticky!" All I hear as I run after her is a cackle of laughter and a "that's what she said". God, I love that girl.

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