Part 1

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"It's 5:00 am.......Salah Time. I should have woke up earlier." with that I woke up from my Beautiful Slumber and sat properly on my Bed. After some minutes,I recited the Dua which I read everyday After waking up from My Sleep

Alhamdu lillahil-lathee AAafanee fee jasadee waradda AAalayya roohee wa-athina lee bithikrih. 

(Meaning:All praise is for Allah who restored to me my health and returned my soul and has allowed me to remember Him.)

Then I went towards my Washroom and got Freshen up and then After taking a Shower I Wore a Fresh Beautiful Outfit and made sure it is Organised well and then I used my favourite Perfume which I have been using my Entire Life. I also Brushed my Hair neatly and cleaned my Bedroom which is now looking Beautiful just like before. Then I went Downstairs to eat my Breakfast.


"Assalamualaikum Ammi-Jaan I hope you are fine by the grace of Almighty Allah" I said to my Mother and Kissed her Forehead and then sat down at our Dining Table. I saw My mother arranging our Table and went to help her. It's my Daily Habit to help everyone I see in My View and Helping my Mother at Morning has become my Daily Habit Now "You still haven’t changed my Pious and Pure Aarish. May Allah give you more Hidayah and Give you all the Love and Good things you deserve. My pious Child" My mother said and kissed the Back of my Hand. I smiled looking at her that How Cute she is and How Lucky my Father is To have a Cute and charming wife like her. May Allah Gift me a Person like Her too.

"Assalamualaikum My Child and My Precious Begam Jaan Khadija. I am Sorry for making you both wait for my Arrival let's sit now and start eating with the name of Allah" My father said and sat down at the Table and then My Mother started serving us our Foods. I always love the food which is made by my mother,Who won't?Her Biriyani is the most favourite dish of me. After She finished Serving our Food, She sat beside Abbu Jan and then we all recited the Dua before Eating

Bismillahi wa'ala Baraktillah

(Meaning:In the name of Allah and with blessing of Allah I begin eating.)

After we were done eating our Breakfast,We all sat on our Couch in our Living room. It is one of our Rules and We love it. Because it is the only time We get to spend our Time with each other. It is now 6 in the morning. "My Pious Child Aarish, As you can see I am growing more Older as the Precious times passing, I am now in my 50s Now I want you to Take over my Company My Child." My father said while sipping his Milk-tea. "Abbu Jan I know you are growing older and I need to take over the Company but I think I need some more improvements in my work Because I just can't let your All these Hard-works fall this Easily and as our Company is based on Fashion Designing, I did some research on it and saw that the Hendrix Enterprise is the Top 1 Company in Australia and the CEO of this Company is so Hard-working and I got inspirations from her and I wanna work under her for 6 months and then I will take over your Business and work as a CEO. I appointed an Interview and It went well they asked me to join the Company Today at 12:00 pm" I said to my Father making sure he Understands everything. "Ohhh My Pious Child,I have my faith in you. You surely do everything Perfectly. Take your Time and Learn everything with your Best. I know one day you will Make me proud In Sha Allah". I smiled knowing that I got a Very Understanding and perfect Father that anyone could Get. " Abbu Jan, Ammu Jan It's my Work-out time. Spend your time together I am going to my Gym Room Okay?Love you both" With that I kissed on both of their Foreheads and Went to my Gym room to work-out.


"Ahhh Fuck" I cursed loudly and threw away my Alarm as It was continuously ringing and ringing with it's nonsense sound and Guess what it got broke by my Simple Throw. I woke up from my sleep furiously and said "Such a Boring day it will be, Just Simple. Ahhhh I hate mornings" with that I went to my Washroom and Took a Bath. After taking a Bath I came back to my Room and wore A Casual Outfit to go to my Office. "SIRA,COME TO MY ROOM AND CLEAN IT OKAY?" i shouted from my room making sure that Sira Hears it from the Downstairs. Yes,I don't have a Soundproof room cause if I do,Then I won't be able to shout From here and have to call them Through my Telephone. Today,I am going to meet my New Secretary at my Office. I fire my secretaries like Pokemon. What can I do?They don't work Well. Always if it's a girl,Doing shits to piss me off cause they think I will Snatch their Boyfriends and if it's a boy,They always stare at me and don't do any shits.


"Marylin Aunty serve my breakfast please" I said as I sat down at my Dining  Table. Yes,I know people call me a Bitchy Rude Shit but I don't give a Fuck. I Do give Respect to the Elders just I can't behave well because of my Anger Issues when Someone make a Mistake or when I am in a Bad Mood. "Here is your Breakfast Dear Don't eat Less okay?You are becoming skinny day by Day My Child." I smiled thinking that I got a Family member one and Only. My Parents had died when I was 8. They were killed infront of me. They were murdered. After they died, My Grandma started to Raise me. But when I was 17 she also Died in Cancer. So After that Marylin Aunty is my one and only Family Member. She is so sweet unlike Other shits.


I was here at a Park. I don't know Why I come here,I Just feel like it. It has become my Habit to come here. Watching people smiling sometimes....make me happy. Suddenly, I got a call from my Manager. On call,"Yes,Mr.Park?Why did you call me here now?Anything Important?..... WHAT?HOW CAN THIS BE POSSIBLE? AGAIN 6 MILLION STOLEN?I am giving you all 1 week, find out that Thief and give it to me got it?I want the person AT ANY COST" with that I cut the call furiously. It is happening for past 1 month,Now I am on the final Edge on my Anger. Who the fuck is trying to play with me?Who has the Guts Huh?I will surely make that Person’s life a HELL. I was Being so Angry So I took out my Vape and Started Vaping.But Suddenly Someone took my Vape from my Hand and Threw it off to the Dustbin."WHAT THE FUCK?"


My precious Mochis, I hope You all are doing great. Please don't overwork yourself and Eat properly and also Pray for the people of Gaza. Please stay Healthy and Don't forget to Vote and Comment how is the Part. Follow me please


~Your Author nim Chimmy

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