I. Chapter 6 | Part 2 - Aubree

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Gwen caught Aubree rolling her eyes. "What?" the brunette asked. 

Aubree glanced at Stone, whose eyes were scanning the window of the next shop as they left. She leaned over so that she was a few inches away from Gwen's ear to whisper. "Is he always this quiet?"

"Actually..." Gwen began to say with a sly smirk on her face when Stone interrupted her.

"I'm hungry."

She threw her head back in exasperation. "Gah! You're always hungry!"

Stone raised an eyebrow at Aubree as the right corner of his lips curled up in a twisted grin. "What say you, Aubree? Ice cream?"

It was the first time hearing him say her name, and the way he said it made her heart skip a beat. It sounded too intimate coming from his lips. Her mouth filled with cotton as she stared momentarily at his lips.

Gwen perked up. "Did you say ice cream?"

"For Aubree and me, not you."

Aubree and me...

What was that supposed to mean?

Aubree's cheeks grew warmer. She lowered her gaze, letting her hair fall in front of her face in hopes of it concealing the burning emotions inside her. Why was she acting that way? Stone shouldn't have this effect on her, and yet, somehow he did and she wasn't sure she liked it.

Gwen scoffed. "Do I need to remind you that she has a boyfriend? Hm?"

He frowned and looked away, folding his arms across his broad chest. His leather jacket groaned in protest and made the hairs on the back of Aubree's neck stand on end. "Touché."

Gwen didn't smile back in triumph. Instead, a hint of sadness flashed in her chocolate-brown irises before she flicked her hair over her shoulder and turned to Aubree. "We should get this guy some ice cream before he gets grumpy. Trust me, you do not want to be around him when he's grumpy."

"Well, in that case, we should forget the ice cream and go to the food court for more sustainable meal options."

"Why am I not surprised that our first stop is the food court," Gwen said with a sigh.

"Second. It'll be our second stop."

She rolled her eyes at him before she shot him a hard look. He held her gaze for a moment as if sharing a silent message that only siblings could understand.

Aubree's lips pulled up a little. The sibling banter was kind of cute. It made Stone less intense and intimidating as Gwen waved away his attitude with a dismissive gesture of her hand. That girl, no doubt, had that guy wrapped around her little finger. Their mother's death must have drawn them together all those years back.

She frowned at the thought, realizing that this must be the reason for Stone's behavior. It must have been hard on them both.

They turned to her with curious looks as she took a deep breath and pushed down her apprehensive feelings caused by him. "So, are we going to the food court, or not? I don't want Stone turning into a ravenous wolf because we spent too much time standing around like a bunch of idiots."

Stone swallowed and pulled away from Gwen as she started to laugh.

Pulling Aubree to her side so she could wrap an arm around her shoulder, Gwen said, "And this is why I love this girl!"

Stone looked ready to say something but closed his mouth and scowled. He crossed his arms over his chest and jutted his chin out to Gwen. "Lead the way, sis."

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