II. Chapter 20 | Part 1 - Aubree

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"Hey, there's my girl," Alistair called from the couch in the living room as Aubree and Stone came down the stairs together.

He was flipping idly through a men's fitness magazine, while Gunner sat across from him on the opposite couch reading a book with a pair of plastic reading glasses on. Both were dressed in workout shorts and black cotton tees.

She smiled back at him, while Stone refrained from scowling.

Alistair turned his gaze to Stone after that and gave him a slight nod of his head. "Good morning to you too, Alpha."

"Wow, you greeted me for once," Stone grumbled as he walked past him to the kitchen.

"Fine, I won't next time with that attitude," he yelled to Stone's retreating form before turning back to Aubree with a wink. He patted the seat next to him on the couch. "Come here, babygirl. Big brother wants some cuddle time."

Gwen ran in from the sunroom and smacked him upside the head. "Goddess, you sound like such a perv!"

He gave Aubree the big puppy-dog eyes. "Do you see the abuse I have to endure here? Where's the love?"

"Just because Mamaw let you get away with it doesn't mean you can with Aubree," Gwen argued. "She's human."

"What?" he asked in bewilderment, although there was a hint of humor behind it. "Human males don't love and shower their little sisters with affection? What's wrong with them? They might end up like that one in there."

He jabbed his thumb toward the kitchen when Stone walked out with a glass of water in hand.

"What was that you were insinuating?" Stone asked in a monotone voice, his face expressionless.

"See!" he pointed before looking up at Aubree with—was that supposed to be an innocent look? He looked like he was trying to keep himself from laughing. "Cold! Stone cold! My babygirl deserves more love than that!"

Stone came up behind him and smacked the back of his head.


Alistair looked over his shoulder at Stone. Neither one said anything, as a mental exchange must have been taking place. Then, Alistair threw his head back with a boisterous laugh, while a hint of a smile tugged on the corners of Stone's lips before he sipped at his glass of water.

Catching Stone's eye, Aubree perked an eyebrow at him quizzically, which only made his hint of a smile broaden, although somewhat shyly before he turned away and went back into the kitchen.

Was she supposed to follow him? 

She looked to Alistair for clarification. He smirked and jerked his head toward the kitchen.

Okay, follow him it was.

Walking into the kitchen, she found Stone peering into the fridge, the door held open in one hand and his glass of water in the other.

"There's nothing to eat in here."

"Yeah, that will happen when no one's bought groceries for a while."

He closed the door and turned to face her. "After dinner, we'll go out and buy some."

Her eyebrows quirked up again. "Dinner? With what?"

"Gavin will bring some food home. I've already asked him when he makes his way back."

"Oh." She didn't know what to say. "That sounds nice. What are we having?"

He shrugged. "Whatever you want."


Now it was his turn to arch his brows. "Again?"

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