II. Chapter 23 | Part 2 - Aubree

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Her head was reeling when he left and disappeared into the forest.

He wanted to finish this. Hot damn!

But how? Was that why he was going to talk with Hector and Rosemary?

She was too flustered to think straight now. She paced around the house before deciding to go upstairs and douse herself in a freezing-cold shower.

Damn him for planting such tempting thoughts in her mind and then leave her to stew in her own hormonal juices!

She pulled out her laptop from her luggage and took it downstairs to the sunroom and began searching up information on werewolves, lycans, and vampires on the Internet. Knowing that most of the information present was probably fictitious, some of it had to carry at least an ounce of truth. All she had to do was check with everyone to know what was true and what wasn't.

Since she was now living in it, she did want to know more about their world. With her thoughts leaning towards becoming luna, she wanted to learn all there was like Stone suggested.

Her breath caught when the first website she pulled up regarding lycans showed a big, hairy, grizzly beast. He looked halfway between a man and a wolf. Most disturbing of all was that the hands looked exactly like Stone's when he showed her his half-transformed hand.

He couldn't look like that, could he? Did they all?

The information she had been intent on gathering was soon spent looking at various images that ranged from cute and cuddly wolves to half-human, half-wolf like beasts with razor-sharp teeth, dripping blood, and foaming at the mouth.

They're warriors, she reminded herself, even though she had a difficult time imagining them as grotesque creatures.

Alistair and Gwen were so humorous, lively, and playful. Gavin, so shy, quiet, and sweet. Gunner, the psychological, muscular, bookworm. And Stone, with all good intentions, was loving, gentle, and thoughtful. It was hard to imagine any of them as these creatures capable of killing and ripping apart vampires.

There were two sides to every coin, and they had all been protecting her from the one side that humans were not meant to see. It was just a matter of time before she'd be seeing that side of them. It was inevitable.

Time to put on your big-girl panties, Bree, she told herself. Your soulmate is a lycan and nothing will change that.

Heaving a sigh, she closed her laptop, needing a break from it. She was feeling a bit peckish as it was.

Taking her laptop into the kitchen with her, she set it down on the table and was about to make herself a cup of coffee when a pair of arms snaked around her waist and lifted her up into the air. She found herself swinging around as she looked down at the tanned arms with dark hair on them.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Alistair exclaimed boisterously before setting her down and eyeing the coffeemaker. "Hey, were you about to make some coffee?"

She shook her head in amusement. "Yeah, why? You want some?"

He pinched her cheek. "Ja, mein Knuddelmuddel."

She swatted his hand away from her face. "I don't know what you just said, but I bet it was something that would make Stone hit you."

"It was very cutesy-wootsy," came Gwen's voice before she appeared in the kitchen.

Playfully, Aubree smacked him lightly across the cheek.

Faking pain and shock, he held it in his hand with his mouth hanging open. "He's rubbing off on her, Schnuckiputzi. She's turning violent on her dear, old brother!"

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