II. Chapter 13 | Part 1 - Aubree

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Flung back, Aubree's back struck the trunk of a small tree. Low, thin branches jabbed into her shoulders as the air whooshed out of her lungs. Her eyes flew open as she watched Stone disappear into the forest in the blink of an eye.

Her knees buckled under her and she slid to the ground, falling on her hands and knees on the dirt path.

What just happened? What the fuck just happened?

Her arms trembled to support her upper body as she gulped air into her lungs. The world was spinning around her and all she could hear was her pulse racing in her head.

Her thoughts whirled around as she tried to figure out what happened in that split second before Stone suddenly pushed her away and took off.

Did she lose herself in the moment or did he?

His words earlier struck her as she concentrated on getting enough air into her lungs and slowing her heart rate down. 'I don't want to rush what we have.'

Gingerly, she sat down on the ground and pressed her palms to her face. He wasn't the only one struggling with urges and she had encouraged the make-out session by teasing him and then initiating it in the first place.

But why push her away so forcefully? Why was he so adamant on taking things slow when clearly their desires were so strong? The way his voice grew husky, the heat of his skin, his breath on her face, his devouring lips, and the way he grabbed her, pulling her tightly against him as he grinded against her...

It was pure, hot torture.

Aubree could feel her temperature spiking up again thinking about it. The ache within her was still throbbing, needing to be filled. Needing him to deliver the sweet release from this madness.

"Fuck," she groaned.

This bond thingy was a pain in the ass.

She shook her head to try and rid herself of her hot and heavy thoughts of Stone. But she wanted it. And she couldn't help but tease him when he teased her right back.

The smells of the forest and the earth offered a distraction as they didn't combine to make the same musk that Stone had. After several deep breaths, she pulled herself up onto shaky legs. Something told her that Stone was still in the forest somewhere. She didn't know how she knew, but if it was one thing she'd figured out in the days to pass, it was not to question her intuition.

And her intuition told her that Stone was in there somewhere, and he needed her just as much as she needed him.

It didn't take her long to find his jacket lying on the ground. She picked it up and looked around. His T-shirt was hanging off a tree branch a few yards from there—off the path.

Her eyes widened with the realization that he left the path and went deeper into the forest.

"Stone?" she called out.

Holding her breath, she stepped off the path. Treading carefully forward, she called his name again as she pulled his shirt down from the tree.

There was a loud groan in response somewhere ahead.

Lying in a heap a few more feet away were his pants and his shoes had been kicked off in opposite directions.

The thought of him being nearby and naked made her knees give out and she stumbled forward. Her hands caught a tree branch and she held onto it as if it was the only thing that was preventing her from falling over.

"Stone?" She couldn't bring herself to raise her voice, but she could feel him nearby. He was close.

What if he changed into his lycan form?

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