I. Chapter 26 | Part 1 - Aubree

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Aubree hated that he lied. Hated that he wasn't normal. Hated that he was so old that she couldn't even wrap her head around it. Hated that she still wanted him in ways that made her blush despite it all.

Aubree couldn't speak. She stared at the glass of ice water Gwen put in front of her on the table in the kitchen. Her racing mind had come to a halt.

Who were these massive people?

She thought Stone's biceps were big, but Alistair, and especially Gunner, were even larger. Inhumanly larger.

And why the fuck were they all standing around shirtless?

Her mental scream forced her to close her eyes and bury her head in her arms on the table.

She had gotten out of the car, ready to give Stone a piece of her mind, until the big dark-haired guy scooped her up and swung her around like a kid.

Her screams really hurt her throat and effectively made her clamp down on her tongue. Not that she would have been able to say anything. The intimidating sight before her left her tongue-tied.

So, these were all the guys Gwen had mentioned? As the only woman in the house, they definitely needed her around.

Gwen's sigh broke the silence between them as she pushed the glass against Aubree's arm. The icy coldness of it made her jump back.

"Please," Gwen said. "You need more fluids. Heck, you need a meal, but I have my doubts that there's anything here you can eat."

Tentatively, Aubree picked up the glass and forced the ice-cold liquid down her inflamed throat. Her stomach turned with the shock, but it only added to the bundle of knots within her.

Despite the lack of food in her system, she was too tense, too upset, to even think about food. She knew that by not eating, she was only contributing to the problem, but how could she eat when she had so many shocks to her system in such a short period of time?

Gwen chewed on a nail as her eyes flicked to the window next to them.

Aubree set the half-empty glass down. She didn't like how worried Gwen looked. Didn't Gwen tell her that this was the safest place for her to be right now? Why was Gwen so stressed out when she looked out into the darkening sky?

As if sensing Aubree watching her, she withdrew the nail from her teeth and pulled her gaze from the trees to meet Aubree's. A small smile forced its way on her face.

"Don't mind any of them, especially Alistair," she said, trying to lighten the mood and change the subject. "He's ecstatic at the prospect of meeting the reincarnation of his sister. They were really close."

Aubree gathered that as soon as she realized she had been lifted off her feet and they were swinging out behind her.

What was stranger was that she felt his over-whelming joy flood over her as he spun her around in glee. It couldn't have been her own emotions because she had been pissed prior to that.

His joy, along with the rib-crushing display of affection, knocked the wind out of her. The whiplash of emotions left her completely and utterly stunned.

It was weird, but she felt somehow connected to Alistair. Even Gavin, she felt drawn to him and she was afraid of what it meant. She'd always felt connected to Gwen since the moment she met her in the coffee shop.

And Stone...

Well, Stone was a whole other world of deep-seated, intense feelings.

Now she knew why. Why she always felt so incredibly drawn to him.

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