•Chapter Four•

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My heart beat thumps in my ears as I push myself forward to carry on running. The sky darkens like a cloud passed over the sun. I look up and crows swam all above me. I force my feet to move faster. The crows speed up too and soon they are right next to me. With sharpening talons, open beaks and a shrieking sound filling my ears making me cringe in fear.

I give up on running and slow down panting, and bending over putting my hands on my knees. Soon I feel flapping of feathers waft around my face. I lift my hands up to shield myself but they do nothing. There is too many. The shrieking get's louder and I cry out in pain and a crow digs him talons into my shoulder. I fall to the ground my crying get's louder. Wings whip my and talons dig into my skin and pull out my hair. I feel my clothes ripping and I cry harder.

"Help!" I scream hopelessly. "Someone, help me!"

I feel wetness glide down my body and realise it's my blood. I cry harder, the pain overwhelming me.

"Tris!" I hear someone shout but it sounds so distant.

Everything suddenly turns blurry. "Tris!" I feel my sholders being shaken.

I open my eyes with a shock to be sat in my own bed with a very worried Tobias standing over it. I run my hands down my goose bump covered arm and expect pain from the birds but I feel none.

I lean back on my bed, breathing heavily.

"Tris, it was just a dream." Tobias says soothingly.

It was just a dream. It isn't real.

But it felt real. It felt so real.

"Why are you here?" I ask, when I've calmed myself down. He is perched on the end of my bed looking at me quizzically.

"I heard screaming. More specially, your screaming. It's my job to protect you. So, I ran in here- to protect you-only to find you only had a stupid dream."

"It was...terrifying!" I manage to say, insulted he thinks I had a stupid dream about breaking a nail.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be going now." He says, getting up.

"No, wait!" The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"What?" He says frustrated.

"Can you just stay?" I mumble. I wont be able to get to sleep so soon after that terrible dream. "Just talk and keep my mind away from my dream until I get to sleep?"

"Do I have to?" He groans.

I relise how unfair it was to ask him to stay up. He must be tired.

"No, but- oh, you know what? Just go, it's alright." I say and turn over in bed so my back is facing him.

"Goodnight?" I hear him say but I don't answer. I just sit in bed and let my mind wonder.

He was right. I am a spoilt brat.

I expected him to just agree because I was the princess. I expected him to respect me. I expected him to like me.

But I was wrong. He hates me. All I am to him is a snobby princess.

But what did he expect? I'm a princess, if course I'm gonna be spoilt.

I don't want to be though. All I've ever wanted was to be normal but no one will ever see me that way.

I wake up the next day with a new determination. I'm gonna prove to Tobias that I'm more than just the spoilt little girl he thinks I am. 

After lots of thinking I decide to make him breakfast. I woke up early as I couldn't sleep.

I slip out of bed and I look at the clock to see it's six thirty. I put on the first dress I see which is dark green one and hop down the stairs.

"Madam? Is everything alright?" Robert asks as I enter the kitchen.

"I can't sleep so I thought I'd come help? I want to make breakfast for Tobias." I say firmly. I know that if it doesn't sound like an order Robert would never let me join in. He is very similar to my mother in a way that neither of them want me to 1) Have any friends. 2) Be normal.

"That's fine Madam." I roll my eyes. I hate when he calls me madam. "What would yo like to make him?"

"Maybe some toast and eggs? I don't know what he likes." I sigh. I pull myself up so I am sitting on the counter. Robert gives me a wary look as if to say 'get down' But he says nothing. I decide o get off anyway and I see relief in his eyes. Why can't he just speak his mind like Tobias?

Ugh why am I comparing everyone to Tobias?

"Of course, madam. I'll fetch the ingredients." He scurries off to the store cupboard.

Thirty minuets later, I have made some toast, bacon, and some eggs for Tobias. I also made some fresh orange juice. I wipe my hands on my dress and regret it as soon as I do.

Black handprints from when I burnt the toast the first time and egg stains from when I spilt it everywhere (Much to Roberts dismay) are on my emerald dress.

I sigh. Mother will give me a mouth full about that later. I do try to be a good princess. I really do. But it's not in my  nature. I'm not prim and proper. I want to explore and have fun.

"Here's a tray," Robert says putting all of my creations on a china tray. The toast is cut in triangles and placed neatly on plates along with a variety of spreads for him as I didn't know what he would like. The crispy bacon and fluffy scrambled eggs are on a separate plate looking very tasty. I had to admit I was proud.

Robert looked exhausted. I was a terrible cook to say the least. He had to help me with everything.

He placed the tray in my arms to carry it up to Tobias' room.

"Robert," I called just as I left the kitchen. His exhausted face turns to me. "Thank you."

A smile lights up his face. "It's a pleasure madam."


Sorry this is just a filler chapter

Thank you for all of the votes and kind words. It makes me happy that people are actually enjoying my book.

See you all soon :)

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