•Chapter Twenty-Seven•

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"So did you do what needs to be done?" Robert interrogates as I step back inside feeling the warmth hit me gently and comfortably.

I ignore him completely and walk straight past him and up the steps.

"Beatrice? Beatrice!" He hisses but I just carry on walking and roll my eyes. "Stop ignoring me!"

I turn around looking down at his frustrated face from the top of the stairs. "Yes?" I ask, faking politeness.

His jaw tightens. "Did you end it with him?" He grits out.

"No." I say simply and start to turn back around.

"What? We had a deal!" He hisses, throwing his arms in the air. I walk back down the stairs I walked up and come straight in his face.

"No. You made a deal and blackmailed me. And I am not being giving in to your stupid games, Robert." I say, proud of how strong my voice is.

"I'm going to tell Caleb." He threatens, a smug smile on his face.

"Of course you will. You and everyone else are the same. You can't ever let me just be a little happy." I snap and turn away.

"Beatrice, I-" He says a look of guilt flashing on his face.

"Save it."


Knock Knock

I wake with a noise from the door. I sit up groggily and curl my hand in a fist and run the sleep out my eyes. "Come in." I mutter hoping they hear me as I have no energy to make my voice any louder.  

A second later, Susan pokes her head in, a face full of pity.

"What is it?" I say slowly, sitting up more awake.

"You're wanted in the meeting room."

Oh. I think to myself.

"I've brought you a dress." She says, placing a dark sickly pink dress with white frills over the end of my bed. She nods at me once before leaving me to get ready.

Once I put horrible dress on I step out my bedroom cringing when I look in my full length mirror. The dress is utterly hideous. Maybe this is part of my punishment.

I timidly walk down the large staircase, hearing angry and worried murmurs coming from the meeting room. I cringe knowing they are all about me.

When I reach the bottom and the door to the meeting room and take a big breath in, then out.

I can do this. I can do this. I keep repeating in my head. I can do this.

I raise my trembling hand up to the door and knock softly. The murmuring stops suddenly and I hear a chair scraping.

The first face I am greeted with is unfortunately Peter. He raises his eyebrows and smirks evilly. "Ah, Beatrice. Perfect."  He spits and put my head down while walking into the open door.

I sneak a glace up to see my parents sat side by side, a disappointed look on their face. Beside then was Caleb, a look of utter fury on his face. I quickly look away and see sat slightly behind him was a guilty looking Robert.

My breath catches in my throat. I had suspicions on what this was for but that guilt has confirmed my suspicions.

"Beatrice take a seat." My father says tightly. It never dawned on me on how it would go with my parents but my heart feels heavy and I feel as if I have betrayed them.

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