•Chapter Thirty-Eight•

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It could've been minutes or hours but it felt like days. Watching a loved one in pain while you sit hopeless must be one of the worst forms of torture.

Marcus has come is twice since the first time, getting worse each beating. That's why I'm dreading the next one so bad. My cheeks are dried and cracked from tears and my throat aches from screaming out. My eyes are so tired, I have to force myself to keep them open. Who knows what they could be doing to Tobias while I'm asleep.

Uriah tries to comfort me but he knows there's nothing he can either. He calls and begs just like I do when Marcus beats Tobias up. He's as hopeless as I am but obviously he doesn't have the emotional connection with Tobias like I do. But it still hurts seeing someone in pain- regardless if you know them or not.

I try to tell Tobias soothing words and try to comfort him but it makes me more hysterical. This is all my fault. What if I'd have just stayed away from Tobias like he said at the beginning? What if I did what I was told and stayed in the castle? Would this still be happening? I can't help but think of all the possible what if's.

"Tris we can't let Marcus come in again." Uriah says, his voice sullen and glum. "Tobias is in such a state I...don't think he'll survive it."

A strangled, ugly sob escapes my mouth before I can stop it. I'm so pathetic right now. "What do we do?"

Uriah pauses. "Promise him whatever he wants- golds, riches-"

"He doesn't want that." I say, sniffing. "They want Tobias and I in pain."

"I know but-" Uriah stops abruptly and sighs. It was strange seeing he so blue. Uriah didn't suit a frown, his face was made for smiles. "I don't even know anymore."

Alarm rushes through me when I start to hear footsteps. No! He can't be back already! He was only just here! We haven't come up with a plan yet and Tobias can't face another beating!

Another choked sob is released as I hear a key turning in a lock.

"Please, stop. Y-you're going to kill him. Do it to me instead-"

I stop abruptly when the door opens, and instead of the black, empty eyes of Marcus I'm met with timid, brown ones.

"Al?" I sniff, my confusion clear in my voice. "What are you doing here?"

Paranoid, he takes a quick glance behind him before closing the door and rushing over to me and untying the rope behind my back, then moving to my feet.

"I'm saving you. What does it look like?" He says quickly, biting his lip in uncertainty.

"But- but why?" I ask, bewildered. I thought he wasn't on our side. Yes, he said he liked me but I rejected him and I thought he was still angry at me because of it.

"They tricked me." He mutters, his jaw clenching in rage. "They never told me they would hurt you. Either of you." He looks to Tobias but soon realises he wont get a response from him.

Tobias' head is hung so his chin reached his chest and his eyes are squeezed shut in pain. You can hardly see any of his skin, just blood and bruises littering his features.

The thought that his own father did the damage made me sick to my stomach. The only thing reassuring me was the gentle rise and fall of his chest, but I was always worried to death that at any moment it could just...stop.

I am soon completely untied and I rush over to Tobias, my hands cupping his face, gently. His eyes opened marginally and his lips curled a fraction into a small smile. "I'm so sorry." I whisper, resting my forehead on his. I feel a slight nod from him and he breaths a deep sigh before I go to the back of him and untie his hands.

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