•Chapter Fifteen•

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"We'll see you later, Tris!" Christina shouts. They're going to training, just as they had been for the last two days. While I was stuck in there their apartment. It seems like I'm back to square one. Being stuck inside for protection.

"Do you have to go?" I whine, doing my best puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry, Tris. We have to." Will says, looking guilty.

As if a lightbulb appeared above my head, I got an idea.

"What if-"

"No." Will says firmly. "Definitely not. I know what you are thinking and the answer is no."

"Why? If I could just-"

"No Tris." Christian interrupts. "We can't risk someone knowing who you are. We agreed tomorrow you would go back to the castle and for the meantime you would stay here while we go to training. You need to understand we are doing this-"

"Because of my own safety, right?!" I snap and they recoil shocked. "Well, people need to stop underestimating me! If people let me do stuff like go to training, I would be able to protect myself!"

"Tris, we didn't mean-" Will starts.

"No, just leave." I say and turn so I'm facing away from them.

"We're sorry. Help yourself to anything you want from the fridge when you get hungry. We'll be back about three?" Christian says and they leave promptly when I don't reply.

I sit down on the sofa and put my head in my hands. I need to stop snapping at them but I couldn't help it. I'm not a 'stay in inside' person. I don't like letting everyone else do everything for me. I want to be independent and fight for my own protection. But how can I try when all anyone sees me as is a stupid weak priness?

I don't realise I'm crying until my shoulders begin to shake and I feel wetness on my hands form my eyes. Why am I crying? I should be grateful I'm the princess right? It's what every little girl dreams to be.

But it's ironic, all I've ever dreamed of, is to be them.


"Today's the day! Rise and shine!" Christina sings as she wakes me up. "Come on, it's a long trip to the castle. We need to get going."

I groan and roll back over pulling my face under the blanket to shield myself from the light.

"Tris? " Christiana perches herself on the bed I'm laying on. "We never got the chance to apologise for what happened yesterday." I pull the blanket down and see Will stood behind her looking apologetic too.

"Guys, it's okay. I was just in a bad place, I was being unfair-"

"No. It's us who were the ones who were unfair. W-we heard you crying and we felt really bad. We don't know what you've been through and we were being controlling, not supporting." She says. "Do you forgive us?"

"Of course!" I say. I'm too easy. I know they meant well. They really do care about me. "I'm really gonna miss you guys." I mumble quietly, my eyes looking back and forth between them.

"We're really gonna miss you too." Christina smiles and I stand up to give her a hug. I bury my face in her neck, trying to log her face in my memory so I wont ever forget me.

"You were my first ever female friend and I will never forget you." Her words struck my heart.

"I wont forget you either." I mumble.

When we part I look over at Will whose watching us awkwardly waiting for his turn.

"You know, when I saw a girl in a blue dress running down the forbidden sector in Dauntless I never knew she'd end up living with us for five days and I would become so attached." I smile coyly as I hear his words. "Tris, you're amazing. Promise you wont forget me."

"Of course I wouldn't forget you." I give him a hug. When I pull away I look at them both. "If it weren't for you two I would've probably been found by those kidnappers after all. Or one of those leaders that Will hid me from. You guys are the best." I smile at them. Feeling my eyes fill with water I look away embarrassed. "I hate Goodbyes."

"Don't think of it as goodbye then." Christina says. "As cheesy as it sounds, think of it as a see you later. Because I really hope we'll see each other again."

"And we have the next twenty minutes to get you to the castle anyway!" Will says and I laugh. "Speaking of there, we should probably get going..."

"Yep you're right." I say wiping my cheeks and planting a smile on my face.

"Hopefully no one will recognise you in black but out this coat on anyway." Will says and I thank him before slipping my arms in the sleeves.

I take a last glance around their apartment before following Christina out the door.

A few minutes later we are surrounded by the crowds in the market. We had to go the long way-not the illegal way I went before to avoid getting caught. "Stay close to us okay?" Will hisses and I nod.

I look around taking in everything. Stores selling fruit and veg and anything you can imagine surround us. Shouts of glee and pleasant chatting fills my ears. The atmosphere is exhilarating.

"Apples! Two for Ten!" A gruff man shouts catching my attention. I look that way and his eyes meet mine. His eyes gleam hungrily and a evil grin appears on his face making my skin crawl. He look familiar but how could I know him if I've never been here before?

Will notices my gaze and grabs my arms gently while Christina throws the man a disgusted look . "Come on, we'll go this way."

Once the creepy man is officially out of view I relax again a flower store grabs my attention. Mostly the beautiful bunch of daisies.

I gasp and step closer for a better look. My hand reaches out and I caress the petals, the soft texture rubbing against my fingertips. My mind flashes back to me and Tobias making daisy chains. I think that is my best memory for sure.

"You want them?" Christina asks and I nod not taking my eyes off the flowers. "How much are the daisies?" She asks the old woman running the store.

"Six pounds fifty." She responds.

"Christina it's okay, you don't have to spend that much money on me-"

"Nonsense. Look at it as a goodbye present." She smiles as she hands the woman the money.

The woman packages the daisies and hands the bunch to me. I hold them and cradle them in my arms.

"Come on we need to keep moving." Will says grabbing Christina's hand. She smiles up and him and I feel the need to give them some privacy. I know they said to stay near, so I decide just dawdle behind them and give them some space.

Distracted by my daisies I bump into someone, making them drop their groceries.

"I'm so sorr-" I stop halfway through, shocked. My jaw drops open an my eyes widen when I look up.

"Tris?" He says, as he can't believe it either.



Ah! Cliff hanger! :p

I got more than 30 votes on the last chapter! I couldn't believe it!

Thank you all so much!

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