Authors note

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Hello, my lovely readers! ^-^

I'm afraid this isn't an update as lots of you probably hope so I'm sorry, but I'd just like to say how thankful I am of every single one of you.

A few days ago, I had a horrible day to the point where I was in tears when I came home, but then I went on wattpad to find I had 72 notifications, which is ridiculous!  Turns out, loads of you guys had commented on my last chapter as well as other chapters and as soon as I read all your nice things I was instantly in a good mood and smile on my face. You literally made me feel 10 times better. 😊

So naturally I wanted to get the next chapter out asap as a kind of thank you but I haven't had the chance. I've wrote 946 words but it's not finished yet.

The next update will be (hopefully) late Saturday- early Sunday (depending where you are in the world).

So, yeah. You guys have idea how much you all mean to me.

Thank you so much for reading. I love you. 💕

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