•Chapter Eighteen•

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"Beatrice?!" A deep voice calls and whiz my head around to see my father running to me. I don't think I've ever seen him run before. I smile brightly at him and he rushes me into his arms. "We were so worried." He whispers into my hair.

Soon, I'm pulled out of his arms and pulled into my mothers embrace. "Hi mother." I mumble my face buried in her neck. I feel a wetness on my shoulder and I pull to see tears leaking from my mothers eyes.

"Sorry," She says wiping her eyes, embarrassed by her state. "I was just so worried."

I smile at my parents.  "It's alright, I'm fine." I comfort her. I never thought my disappearance would affect them this much. Yes, I thought they would be worried but we hardly know anything about each other as they are always doing 'Royal Business'. It never crossed my mind they would be this upset. I should've known, I was selfish not to think of them the whole time I've been away.

"B-Beatrice?" I voice I know to be my brothers calls. Mother and father move to the side and I gasp, a hand hovering over my mouth as I see his face.

"Caleb? What on earth happened to you?" I ask still startled by his face. He has a bloody gash under his right eye and a dark black bruise under his left. He also has a bandage on his arm. He smiles slightly but then winces in pain.

"Your stupid bodyguard happened." He mutters and I bite my tongue to stop myself hitting him for insulting Tobias. "Now, come here. I was worried too."

Tobias told me he punched him but he never said he did damage like this. I wonder what Caleb said to make him flip out like that.

He opens his arms and I give him a hug like I did with mother and father. He groans when I squeeze too hard and I mumble a "Sorry", before releasing him.

"You need to tell us everything, from-" Caleb starts but father interrupts.

"I think we should go for dinner and Beatrice can explain everything when she's got some food inside her." I smile gratefully at father and he smiles back.

Father sends a servant to tell the cooks we are having an early dinner and we all go inside the castle to have dinner together for the first time since the bodyguards got here.


Once I finish my story to Mother, Father, Caleb and also the other bodyguards (Tori, Max and Amar), I look up at all their shocked faces. Of course, I left out the fact I begged Tobias to take me outside. I just said that we forgot about the rules. Bad excuse I know, but they didn't seem to notice. They kept quiet while I explained how Will saved me except fro the occasional gasps from my mother. I also left out the fact I had seen Tobias since then. I don't want him in danger.

"Well, that's quite a story, Beatrice." Mother exclaims and everyone else nods in agreement. "We must find a way to thank those teenagers who took you in for their good deeds."

"We are so proud of how you handled the situation and how brave you were." Father says and pride floods through my veins making a big grin appear on my face. They're all surprised I looked after myself and I'm still in one piece.

'How's that for a weak princess?' I want to say but I bite my tongue and settle for a small "Thanks.".

"Now," Father says, clapping his hands together. "You better get some rest, Beatrice. We need to carry on searching for these hellions."

I open my mouth to argue but close it, sighing,  when I feel my body drooping. He's right, I'm exhausted.

I walk up the familiar stairway going through the door to my bedroom. Collapsing on my soft velvet mattress, I relish the way it cradles my body the way the couch at Will and Christina's didn't.

I take a big breath in through my nose and out again through my mouth. It feels like I haven't left but I know better. I've experienced things this week I never thought I would experience. I've had a insight on what's it like to live a normal life.

 My mind wonders to Will, Christina and even Al. I wonder if they are all just getting on with there life, or are they thinking of me too?

I'd like to think they are but I know better. They all live such busy lives, full of freedom, they've probably forgotten about the spoilt princess.

But I know I'll never forget them. They're set deeply in my minds as the people I care about. A lot.

And with that thought in mind, I fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up to knocking at my door. I sit up, groggy and confused before I remember where I am.

"Come in!" I shout then bury my head back deep in my pillow. Morning came too fast. Do you think anyone would notice if I just stayed in bad all day?

Roberts face pops around the door with a happy face. "Madam-um...Beatrice." He says and I smile too knowing that he's still trying to call me Beatrice even after all these weeks I've been away from him.

"Hi Robert!" I chirp happily sitting up, my tiredness forgotten.

"I've got your breakfast." He days popping the tray down next to me. I thank him and he starts to walk to the door but then stops and turns. I raise my eyebrows as if to say. 'spit it out'.

"I-it's good to have you back....Beatrice." He says looking down embarrassed.

"Thank you Robert. It's good to be back." I lie. I'd much rather be in Dauntless with Tobias, Will and Christina, but he doesn't need to know that.

On the thought of Tobias a fire lights in my chest. I miss him. Why does he effect me this much?

Once Robert leaves an idea blossoms in my mind and I leap out of bed. I run out my door and come face to face with Tobias' former room. Looking left and right first, before my hand wraps around the handle and pull.

I step inside and look around and see everything how I remember it. I walk over to his bed and sit where we sat when he said he would be my friend. I smile at the memory and my hand caresses the soft pillow.

A deep cough frightens me and I shoot up from the bed then turn around to see an unfamiliar man at the door. I eyes widen in panic but he just smiles.

He takes large strides into the room and plonks a suitcase on Tobias' bed. I stay silent watching the mysterious man too scared to say anything. He stops but a deep, almost-evil, laugh comes out his throat.

"You must be Princess Beatrice, hm?" He says still smiling at me. I can't help but feel uncomfortable. I nod, not trusting my voice. "No need to be afraid." He says and I take a step back.

I couldn't help it. Something about him put me on edge. "Who are you?" I ask surprised at how firm my voice is. Not hinting how afraid I am inside.

"Oh!" He exclaims, throwing his head back laughing again.  "Where are my manners? I'm your new bodyguard. My name is Peter."


Another cliffhanger! Sorry everyone ;)

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Until next time <4

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