Chapter 10: A Pair of Princes

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A ruckus in the service corridor pulled me from my daydreams about the exotic palaces of Siam as the hidden door in the little library flew open.

"That was absolutely brutal," Thomas whined, collapsing dramatically onto the love-seat next to me. Andrew shot him a glare as he sat in the cushy armchair opposite, loosening his tie with a sigh.

"What happened?" I asked, warily watching Andrew as he scrubbed his face with his hands. Had something transpired with his parents and the princess? They'd certainly been gone long enough. I'd had enough time to sift through the books on the foreign travel shelf before settling on an account of travels to the Eastern kingdom of Siam. When he noticed me watching, he offered me a small smile and my panic lessened.

"Oh but I simply love the opera!" Thomas trilled, in a heavily accented falsetto. Andrew groaned, closing his eyes. Thomas' voice startled me enough for the book to tumble from my lap, earning a laugh from the younger prince.

"I do hope that wasn't an impression of your new guest," I said, leaning down to collect the book. I realized with mortification that I'd forgotten to slip my shoes back on as I leaned down, only for my fingers to brush Andrew's as we both reached for the book.

"It was," Andrew said, his eyes softening as he handed me the book with a glance at my jewelled slippers, "And it was frightfully accurate."

"As much as I envied you last Season for having all the debutantes to yourself, I must say that I'm feeling a sudden wave of pity for you, Andy," Thomas said, watching the way Andrew was looking at me as we each leaned back into our seats.

"It'll be fine," Andrew said, "It's nothing I can't handle."

"For now. But it does mean that you are suddenly a very lucky girl, Libby," Thomas said, turning his eyes to me as he draped an arm over the back of the love seat, "You'll have the most fun of all of us tomorrow night, I suspect."

"And why is that?" I asked, looking to Andrew. I didn't miss the way his expression had hardened at seeing Thomas' arm resting across the back of my shoulders. I sat up straighter, leaning away from the younger prince's touch.

"Because you'll be accepting Thomas' invitation," Andrew said, "If you still want it, that is."

"Of course she wants it!" Thomas said, sliding his arm down so it landed fully on my shoulders now, "Don't you, Libby?"

"Who's getting your invitation?" I asked Andrew. He winced as a chuckle escaped Thomas' lips.

"Well? Doesn't she deserve to know?" Thomas prodded when Andrew hesitated. I felt those sneaky tendrils of doubt quiver to life again as I watched my prince glare daggers at his brother.

"Mother has instructed me to ask Adelaide," he said, "And I would very much appreciate it if you could give us a moment, Thomas."

The younger prince lifted his eyebrows, his gaze hopping from Andrew to me and back again.

"Right, well don't take too long. Mummy will never believe the two of us spent this long 'discussing upcoming events'. I'll be outside," Thomas said, making a show of stretching himself out before he rose. Andrew watched him saunter towards the service door with narrowed eyes.

"I hate it when he's like that with you," Andrew said, massaging his face again as he rose to collapse into Thomas' vacated seat. I hadn't realized my knuckles had gone white around the book I was holding, a myriad of dark and unfriendly thoughts swirling around my head once again.

"And yet I'm to go with him to the opera," I said, still sitting ramrod straight. Andrew looked over at me and upon seeing my expression, wrapped an arm around me to pull me towards him.

"You don't have to," he said, nuzzling into my hair as he held me, "But I wanted you to at least be in the royal box with me. I think you'll quite enjoy it, but if you'd prefer to stay here..."

"I want to go with you," I blurted out, interrupting him. The silence hung heavy between us as Andrew sighed.

"My plan didn't work, not with Dulciana thrown into the mix now," he said, his arms tightening around me, "I know you must hate me for asking Adelaide, but I can't face the prospect of an entire opera with that simpering fool of a princess next to me."

"I don't hate you, but I don't like it," I said, aware that I sounded like a petulant toddler.

"Please trust me Libby," he said, planting a kiss on my head, "I like it even less than you do."

"Should I be worried about this new princess?" I asked, once again unable to control the words as they tumbled from my mouth. Andrew' laugh rumbled through his chest and into my ear before he tipped my chin up so I would look at him.

"You shouldn't be worried about anyone," he said, "Except perhaps my overeager brother and his penchant for trouble."

I'd opened my mouth to blurt out goodness knows what yet again, but Andrew silenced me with a kiss that was enough to quiet the doubts in my head. But as if he knew exactly what was going on from the opposite side of the door, Thomas gave the service door a great whack.

"Hurry up in there, will you?" Thomas' muffled voice demanded through the door "Tick tock!"

Andrew grumbled in annoyance, reluctantly pulling away from me.

"Promise me you'll go to the stables tomorrow before you get swept up into mother's activities for the day," he said, caressing my cheek. I leaned in to him, closing my eyes and wishing this moment would last forever.

"If it gives me even a second away from all this competition for your attention, I'll go anywhere," I said as he stood and helped me to rise.

"It'll get better soon, I promise you," Andrew said, wrapping his arms around me for a parting hug, "Just because I have to entertain others doesn't mean anything changes between us."

"I'll hold you to that," I said, savouring the feel of his arms around me and the rumble of the laugh in his chest.

"I'd expect nothing less," he said, pressing a quick kiss onto my forehead before he beelined for the service door.

"About bloody time!" Thomas snapped when Andrew pulled the door open, "You'll be the one doing the explaining when mother asks what took so long."

"Jealousy doesn't become you, Tom. Though of all-" Andrew started, closing the door behind him and cutting off his response.

I stood in the middle of the little library, forcing my brain to focus on my few minutes alone with Andrew and not the malicious whispers at the edges of my mind.

**A/N: Because this one was so short, I'll be posting a second chapter today! :)**

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