Chapter 19: The Prince's New Favourite

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"Shall I walk you back to your suite?" Andrew asked, as we dismounted and handed the reins over to a pair of stablehands. I was still reeling from the shock of coming upon the entire contingent of debutantes, my outing with the prince suddenly far more public than I'd hoped.

"I'd like that," I said, forcing a smile. Andrew cocked his head as he reached for my hand.

"It was bound to happen, you know," he said, as we used the side entrance away from the prying eyes of the other debutantes. A few of them had been straining to see over the hedges towards the stables, their chatter floating towards us on the wind as they wandered through the rose garden.

"I know," I said, wishing my stomach would stop twisting into knots. Andrew's fingers gave mine a reassuring squeeze.

"I won't be able to see you tonight as we're to go to the embassy for dinner," he said as we walked, the servants bobbing curtseys and dipping bows as we passed, "But I'll come find you after breakfast tomorrow."

"Breakfast! But that's so far away!" I moaned. Andrew chuckled, squeezing my fingers again.

"I'd gladly trade your evening for mine. I'd take a room full of debutantes over a dinner with the Ardalonians any day," he said.

"That's because half the debutantes are in love with you," I said, nudging him with my shoulder. Andrew chuckled again, darting a look around the empty entrance hall before giving my hand a tug to pull me into his arms,

"But there's only one debutante I'm in love with," he said, burying his face into my hair for the briefest of moments before he let me go again. I could have stayed there forever, wrapped in his arms.

"Did Audra remember to give you my surprise?" he asked as we climbed the stairs towards the debutantes' wing.

"She did!" I exclaimed, "I'd gotten so worked up at the opera that I'd completely forgotten to open it!"

"I was wondering why you hadn't thanked me yet," he teased.

"I'll thank you if thanks are due," I replied with feigned haughtiness, sticking my tongue out at him as we reached my door.

"Oh you'll be thanking me, I'm sure of it," he grinned, the look in his green eyes sending my stomach into somersaults again, "Have a good evening, Libby."

I couldn't bear the thought of him leaving so I reached out and seized him by the lapels, pulling him in for a quick kiss goodbye.

"Don't go signing any marriage treaties," I whispered as I pulled away from him. He was grinning, his eyes dancing at my brazenness.

"How could I when I have someone like you waiting for me at the palace?" he said, resting his hand on my cheek, "Try to behave during dinner."

"I always do," I called after him as he turned to leave. He laughed as he threw a glance over his shoulder. I sighed as I leaned back against my doorway, dreamily watching my prince until he disappeared around the corner.

Curiosity got the better of me before long, so I entered my empty suite and crossed straight to my trunk where I'd buried the package from Audra. Laying it out on the bed, I chewed my lip as I cast about for something sharp enough to cut the string. My eyes landed on the letter opener, only to spot a sealed envelope sitting next to it. I snatched it up along with the dull silver blade.

Slicing through the string, I spilled the contents of the bag onto my bed. The little sun in my chest swelled anew as I held up the maid's uniform, the brown wig I'd worn at last Season's masquerade falling out from its folds. I couldn't keep from smiling as I crushed it to my chest, twisting around to collapse onto my bed in a fit of laughter. Only Andrew could know how much I missed that ratty old uniform dress and the freedom it had granted me to sneak around the service corridors. Now with the brown wig, I'd be almost unrecognizable.

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