Chapter 5

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When I woke up, I felt fine. I wasn't sure where the sickness came from, but it was gone. The first thing I did was call my father to see if he had any answers for me. On the first ring, he picked up, "Mi luna pequeña, are you okay? I did not receive a call from you yesterday."

"Something strange happened, Padre. Yesterday I was scouting their base and got sick."

There was a pause on my father's end, "Sick?"

"I was throwing up, gagging, and eventually passed out."

"I am sending Raul to come to watch over you. He will arrive Tuesday."

I was hesitant to answer, "Sí padre, gracias." Raul was the last one I wanted here, but he would come if my father deemed it that important.

"Adios mi luna pequeña."

"Adios Padre," I murmured as I hung up the phone.

Sighing, I made my way down the stairs and noticed that Susan and her husband were cooking breakfast in the kitchen. It was Friday morning; why weren't they at work? Upon seeing me, Susan lit up, "Oh Alejandra, how are you feeling, sweetie? Lindsey told me that you went straight to bed after you went shopping, not feeling well. She thought it may have been food poisoning from the lunch you two ate."

I smiled at Lindsey's story, glad she had made an excuse, "Bueno, I think I was just missing home yesterday, but I feel much better, thank you."

"Of course, honey here is some bacon and eggs for breakfast. Oh, and Lindsey is going to a party tonight. She wanted me to make sure you knew you could go to." Something told me the invitation was from Susan, not Lindsey. I contemplated, should I go? I might be able to get information on some of the wolves, and if the party is too dull, I can always have Susan come pick me back up.

"Sure. I will go."

"Oh, I'm so happy to see you being social with all the kids here. And you have everything you need for Monday?" She asked.

I nodded yes and continued to eat my breakfast.

Apparently, the party started at eight, but Lindsey couldn't be seen with someone who looked like they had just come from the jungle, so she pulled me into her room to get dressed up. She seemed upset I was going, but she was also having a good time using me as her personal barbie.

I could hear Lindsey muttering from her walk-in closet, "white would contrast her skin tone well, but I don't want her ruining a white dress." I heard her rustling through a few more dresses, "this is perfect."

Lindsey came running out of her closet, "here, wear this tonight. All the boys will die when they see you in it." She held up a dress that I knew wouldn't cover much. It was a red dress that reached about halfway down my thighs and exposed most of my back and chest. To please her, I put it on but felt very uncomfortable.

"You are so hot." She muttered under her breath. She was right; I did feel quite attractive in this dress. She sat me down in front of the mirror and pulled out a large container filled with a million small tubes and pallets. She was done after an hour of Lindsey struggling with me over eyeliner, mascara, and contour. She didn't have much that matched my skin tone, which is why she said it took her so long. I looked in the mirror and almost didn't recognize myself. Lindsey was quite good at this. She walked out of her closet wearing a similar black dress, but it dipped lower in the chest area and was higher on her thighs. I could tell she was much more used to going to these parties with how confident her body language was.

She quickly put on her makeup, and we were ready to go. 


Sorry guys I know this chapter is kind of slow but I promise it will pick up in excitement soon, after all school starts for her on Monday :)

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