Chapter 9

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""I'll get it!" Lindsey looked delightfully smug. As happy as I was that I wouldn't be alone with Raul, the person at the door was not going to make matters much easier on me.

David came around the corner holding a pie in his hand. "Hello, Mr. Jensen. Lindsey invited me over for dinner if that's okay," He smiled towards Gerold, "oh, and I brought some homemade apple pie."

"By all means, the more, the merrier. This is Raul, a cousin of Alejandra's from Mexico. Raul, this is David Lindsey's boyfriend." Raul had not bothered masking his werewolf scent like he could have, confirming David's suspicions right away. He also probably believed that Raul was the one who marked me. Gerold was all smiles as he babbled on, utterly ignorant of the tension in the room.

Dinner proceeded as the boys answered Gerold's questions pretending to get along. Still, underneath the surface, there was boiling rage from both ends. Even Lindsey picked up on the tension sending me apologetic looks here and there or squeezing David's hands when she thought he was getting too upset.

When Gerold got up to do the dishes, the real conversation started.

"You realize that crossing into another pack's territory without alerting the Alpha is punishable, don't you? David asked Raul.

Raul looked smug, "oh yes, I do, which is why this meeting was arranged, pup." Raul just loved to rub in the fact that he was superior to David.

"That's funny. I don't recall the Alpha relaying that we were to have visitors."

Raul narrowed his eyes at David. He hated being challenged. I began to worry for David's safety if this continued, "Then you should probably talk to your father about that and not go around blaming me for your lack of communication."

I saw David's fist curl, and I thought shit was about to hit the fan. "The previous Alpha is dead. My brother is the Alpha now. If you would like to speak with him, I suggest you contact him directly and not just show up when he is away at business like the uninvited guest you are."

Lindsey placed her hand on his trying to calm him, but I didn't think that would do much to help the situation.

Do not act surprised to hear my voice, David. I needed to stop this before this escalated, so I did something only a few pure bloods could do. I mind linked to someone outside of my pack. It took a lot of concentration and wore me out, but it needed to be done. Please do not provoke him. Even with you being a beta, he is ten times more powerful than you are.

David's eyes glanced up to meet mine for a moment with surprise hidden being them well. His eyes returned to Raul, "However, if my father was going to meet with you, I assume it was for a reason. The Alpha returns tomorrow night and at the earliest could meet with you Wednesday."

Raul's eyes gleamed with victory, "Wednesday, it is then, pup." Once again, Raul prodded at David's patience.

Then loud enough for Gerold to hear, Raul spoke up, "Thank you so much for your generous hospitality, but I really must be going. I have an early start tomorrow. The food was amazing." He turned towards me, "I hope to see you again before I depart for Mexico, Alejandra. It is always a pleasure." We will talk later about the night's events, he finished in my head.

"Pleasure, cousin. I hope to see you as well." I gave him a stiff hug and walked him to the door as Gerold and Lindsey said their goodbyes. Once we were out of sight of the others, Raul grabbed my throat.

"Do not think I have forgotten about the insult from earlier or the fact you had that blonde bimbo call her werewolf boyfriend here." He squeezed, stopping all airflow, "How I can't wait till you belong to me. Oh, what fun we will have together." His eyes raked my body, and tears formed in my eyes from the lack of oxygen and the thoughts of him owning me.

He released his hold, and he was gone before I could even hit the ground. I was gaping for air for a few moments when I felt Lindsey pull me into a hug, "That filthy disgusting pig! Why the hell does he think he has the right to treat you like that?"

I stiffened, "because he does; I will belong to him in a few months so he has every right to treat me that way. I'm a female wolf; I'll always be less than him, and soon I'll be his wife." My words trailed off at the end.

She helped me up off the floor and yelled to her father, "We're going to bed dad, see you in the morning." She led me up the stairs, and I saw David was already in her room. I didn't' want to talk to him. I knew he had a million questions, but I didn't want to answer them. Lindsey led me to the bed and made me sit. I pulled my knees up to my chest and waited for his questions. I was too tired mentally and physically to fight this. And now that Raul was taking over the mission, it no longer mattered.


I hope you enjoyed and once again I hope that you hated Raul.

And no I do not actually believe females are less than males but I am trying to get into the head  of the character so that people know why she is acting the way she is. That is what she has been taught, watch for character development from her end and tell me if it is for the better :)

Anyways please vote and comment, just letting me know you enjoyed it. Thanks a million, till next time.

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