Chapter 33

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It's been two weeks since I found out that she killed my mother. Two weeks since I last held her in my arms. I needed to see her. I needed to tell her that I still loved her. I had tried to hate her, but I couldn't. She was forced to kill her. She was forced by her father to take my mother away from me. It's her father that I hate, not Alejandra.

Making up my mind to see my mate, I called for Aurora to take me to Alejandra.

Appearing in the dining room, I could smell my mate. She was so close I needed to see her, "wait, before you go and get her, I need to warn you. She hasn't been doing good without you, Brendon. She's really pale and sick. She refuses to eat and barely gets any sleep, so don't be surprised with what you see."

Nodding my head, I went to walk out of the room when I saw her. Aurora was right; Alejandra did look pale. Her cheeks were sunken in, and she looked sickly. The blanket around her did little to hide the fact she looked skinnier. I'm an idiot for leaving her alone this long. This was all my doing.

I saw her face contort in pain as she collapsed to the ground, catching her just before she hit her head on the floor I began yelling at Aurora to call the doctor, to heal her, just to do something.

"Alejandra! Please, baby, wake up. I'm sorry I am so so very sorry. I acted rashly when I should have asked you what happened."

I held her in my arms until more wolves ran into the house. I could feel myself getting angry every time one of them attempted to approach her. I would lose control if she wasn't helped soon, but I wasn't willing to let anyone touch her. My anger was getting the best of me. Aurora had to kneel down and be the one to take her from my arms. She was the only one I trusted as much as myself.

Aurora laid her down on the couch as one of the wolves began to examine her. I felt myself growl as he unbuttoned the top of her night gown to check her heartbeat.

"We need to get her to my office. She needs lots of fluids to be able to make it." She was going to die. She would die all because I wasn't there to protect her. I heard a bone crack and realized I was losing control.

"Doctor, take her now." Crack. Aurora practically tossed him, my mate, before turning to face me. "Brendon, calm down. She is going to be fine. The doctor is going to make sure that she is fine."

Crack. I heard what Aurora was saying, and I understood that Alejandra would be okay. Still, I couldn't get myself to stop shifting. To be honest, I wasn't even sure what animal I was trying to change into. Just one that would help my mate. Crack.

"I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." Closing her eyes, Aurora began to mumble words in a language that I couldn't understand. Whatever she was chanting was working. My body was growing tired and wasn't able to shift anymore. In fact, it was reverting back.

The last time she performed that spell, she passed out; this time, she did better. She was conscious, but I could tell she needed rest.

"Help me to the couch?" Her words were weak. She definitely needed rest. Standing up, I was dizzy myself. If I didn't have somewhere to be, I probably would have wanted to take a nap.

Setting Aurora on the couch, I followed the scent of Alejandra to the infirmary. Everyone seemed on edge when I walked in; I put my hands up, trying to show that I came in peace. But when I saw her with an IV in her and a breathing mask, I couldn't help it. I ran to her, and tears flooded to the surface.

The doctor came over with a smile which made me angry and hopeful at the same time. "She's doing well. She'll probably wake up in about an hour, and when she does, you need to make sure that she gets something to eat and drink."

"What is wrong with her?"

"Her depression was eating away at her body. Being a wolf, it shouldn't have affected her so severely physically, but from what Luna Aurora has told me, she is also suffering side effects from having dark magic in her system for so long." The doctor did a few more vital checks, letting me look at my beautiful mate. How could I leave her to suffer alone? This was all my fault. 

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