Chapter 10

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"Who are you?"

"My name is Alejandra Cortez. I am from a pack in Mexico." I tried to speak softly, I didn't know if Raul was still in the vicinity, but I would get beat for this conversation if he was.

David looked at me, confused, "Why don't you smell like a wolf?"

"I can hide my scent and smell like a human." I closed my eyes and focused on letting my guard down. It was a relief to let my wolf out, even just a little. Opening my eyes back up, I saw David staring at me as if I had two heads.

"I don't understand how you can hide your scent. Or mind link with me."

"Because I'm a pure blood."

"What!?" David's shock was evident. There weren't very many of us left.

"Yes. No one outside of my pack knows of my ability to mind-link with other wolves, so I'll kill you if you even think about sharing that little piece of information." My voice didn't sound half as intimidating as I wanted it to be.

"What's a pure blood?" Lindsey piped up from beside David. I smiled at her; she was so innocent, so young. How did she even get dragged into all of this?

"When the moon goddess created werewolves, she placed five alphas and five Lunas in charge of the others. One for each region of the world. The descendants of those wolves are pure bloods." David explained.

"But if the descendants mated with someone who wasn't of pure blood, their children aren't considered pure blood and do not maintain the same abilities as we do." I elaborated a little further.

"So that explains your abilities. What it doesn't explain is that bastard Raul." I could tell Lindsey was angry for me, and I appreciated that, but there was nothing she could do to help me.

I was silent for a long while. I had already betrayed my pack by telling them as much as I had, and I knew that if Raul found out about any of this, he would keep me chained up in the basement for the rest of my life.

"He isn't in the vicinity, Alejandra. You can tell us." David placed a hand on my shoulder, and Lindsey sat next to me on the bed.

I took a deep breath, terrified of the syllables leaving my mouth, "He is my fiancé. Once we're done in the U.S. I am going back home to be married." Disgust must have been evident on my face, but I had to marry him. I just had to.

"What!?" Lindsey wasn't happy with my explanation, "Why the hell would you marry a perverted creep like him?"

"Because he is the nearest and most powerful pure blood near me. I have to keep the pure line running. It is my duty." I repeated back what I had been told for as long as I could remember.

Lindsey replied, "Well, that's a load of bullshit, and you know it, Alejandra. He isn't your mate, so you shouldn't have to marry him."

"Mate?" I looked between the two of them, "What do you mean, mate?"

David searched my face to see if I was lying, "you really don't know what a mate is?" Even Lindsey was looking at me oddly. I just returned their look right back at them till one of them started talking.

"A mate is the one the moon goddess has decided to pair us up with. Our other half, if you will. The person made specifically for you." David spoke slowly as if waiting for any of this to ring a bell.

It's official both of them were crazy, "I've never heard of such a thing."

"David isn't lying, Alejandra. If he wasn't my mate, I never would have found out about werewolves." Lindsey's comment shocked me. If what they were saying was true, why would the moon goddess pair a wolf with a human? It made no sense.

"Well, if there really is such a thing, I am glad you found one another, but it does not change the fact I have to marry Raul. If you will excuse me, I must lay myself down for bed. It has been a long day."Without another word, I went to my bedroom.

I did not bother to call my father tonight, knowing that Raul would have already spoken with him. I didn't want to hear him tell me that I disappointed him and would be on the first flight back home.

I drifted off to sleep, wondering if what they said could be true. Do I really have a mate? Someone that I am destined to be with out there waiting for me?


So I know this chapter was slow and short, it really was just an explanatory chapter. I promise there will be another one soon so just stick with me, I'm thinking about doing the next one from another perspective ;) so we will see how that goes.

Until next time,


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