Chapter 26

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David sat with me at the table while I waited for Brendon to come back to the packhouse. It had been a few hours since the attack, and I missed Brendon. I needed him to come back.

"David, did you know-"

"Yes." He gave me a look that told me not to ask any more questions, "we don't talk about it."

"oh." I guess I really would have to wait for Brendon to get back to get my answers. I was getting worried, what if all of my father's pack was here? Not to mention if Pablo was here, that meant that Raul's pack was probably coming with my father. If that happened, shifter or not, we couldn't win against them.

Brendon, please come home. There was no answer. I knew if I became desperate enough, I could push through the walls he put up, the same way I could communicate with wolves that weren't in my pack. But I wasn't willing to invade his privacy right now.

I turned my attention back to David, "Thank you for coming when you did."

"Alejandra, you're not only going to be my Luna, but you are my brother's mate and my friend. Any time you call, I will be there. Just as I know, you both would be there for me if Lindsey got hurt." I smiled at him; he was right, I might not have gotten along with Lindsey at first, but I would help them.

"How is Lindsey? I haven't seen her in a while."

Just her name put a smile on David's lips. Did Brendon have the same reaction whenever I was mentioned? "She's good. I want to mark her, though."

"How will that affect her with her being human?"

"I'm not sure. Marking humans is weird; you never know exactly what will happen. It depends on whether the human has any Lycan blood or how strong the wolf is. If she has Lycan blood in her, it could cause her to shift. If not, it would simply solidify the bond we feel."

"That's what you talked about at the party, isn't it? You wanted her to come here for a few days to mark her safely." He nodded at me, "but why doesn't she want you to mark her?"

"She's scared, I have explained to her all of it, but she is scared of becoming a wolf. She is scared of the pain." Poor David, you could see how much it was hurting him not going further into this mating process.

Grabbing his hand, I smiled, "maybe we will have a girl's day, and I can tell her it is nothing to be scared of. Heck, I have been shifting since I was ten years old. If a ten-year-old can handle the pain, she can." David smiled back with gratitude, "Thank you."

We sat there in silence before curiosity got the better of him, "did you really shift at ten?" His voice was filled with concern for me.

"Yup," I smiled with pride, "which means I am supposed to be the strongest of the purebloods since I shifted the earliest. Unfortunately, I think there is some mistake with that logic."


"Well, there is the biological reason that male wolves are always stronger than female wolves. Then there is the reason that I have never been able to practice with my gift."

He gave me a dumbfounded look, "do you really believe that you could never be stronger than a male?"

"Well, yes, that is why the Alpha, the leader of the pack, is male because females can never be as strong." He should know this he is an Alpha's son and the Beta of this pack.

"Alejandra, do you know why we call the Alpha's mate Luna?"

"Because just as the moon goddess created us, and as her representatives are meant to create the future generations."

"No." He looked disgusted at me, "Do you really think that women are just here to pop out babies?"

"Well, not entirely, but once they have mated, yes. They stay home and raise the pups."

He looked exasperated but continued, "We call you the luna because just as the moon lights our way, you are meant to light our way. The pack is not complete without the Luna. She is meant to be equal to the Alpha, not someone he turns to just for pleasure. Once you become a part of this pack, you are as much in charge as Brendon is."

I sat there pondering this information. If I stayed here, I would be more than a baby-maker; I would be important. Does that really work, though? Having a female help lead? Hearing the door open, my heart fluttered. Brendon was home. Running out of my chair, I tackled him, he seemed surprised, but he caught me with ease.

"Do not dare to run away like that without any word for that long again," I murmured.

He squeezed me tighter, calm ran through my body. This is where I am meant to be. He hoisted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold onto him better as he made his way to our bedroom.

"Good night David," I muttered as we left the room.

"Goodnight, and remember you aren't a baby-maker!" Brendon stiffened. Oh, I am so going to get David for that comment.

He sat me down on the edge of the bed and examined me for injuries, "the doctor said I was fine. I already healed."

"Good." With that, his lips were on mine. They were gentle at first, but it became much rougher once I responded. Suddenly I wanted my clothes off; I wanted to feel all of Brendon. My hands began to wonder, going up and down his chest. Lifting me up, he tossed me further back onto the bed, I let out a squeal when I landed, but his lips were quickly back on mine.

Breaking the kiss, he removed my shirt. His kisses traveled from my mouth down to my neck. As he sucked on my mark, all resolve went out the window. I let out a moan, and Brendon pulled away. His eyes weren't black like the average wolf but a purple. Gorgeous. I wondered if his eyes had something to do with being a shifter.

"Tell me to stop." his husky voice was doing things to me.

Panting, I asked why.

"Because we shouldn't be doing this. You aren't ready." I felt something hard pressing against my leg. I never wanted this more than I do right now.

Placing my hand on his face, I smiled, "Brendon, I accept you for who you are. You cannot change what you are, and...." I paused hesitantly, "I love you."

A wide smile spread across his face, "I love you too, Alejandra."

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